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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

March 12, 2013 Minutes

University Assembly
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
401 Physical Science Building

I. Call to Order

J. Cai called the meeting to order at 4:37 p.m.


Present: K. Albert, R. Booker, J. Cai, A. Gitlin, R. Kay, E. Loew, E. Newbury, P. Scelfo, R. Wayne

Absent: J. Blair, J. Burns, T. Grove, N. La Celle, J. Il Lee, E. McNelis, G. Mezey, M. Paine, B. Schaffner

Others Present: M. Lukasiewicz, A. Epstein, A. O’Donnell

II. Approval of the Minutes

The approval of the minutes from the February 26, 2013 meeting was deferred because quorum was not attained.

III. Reports from Assemblies

Executive Board

E. Newbury reported the Board had followed up with the appropriate parties regarding a safety resolution and the resolution to be discussed in this meeting.

Student Assembly

A. Gitlin reported the SA just finished their elections. He also reported the SA was considering a resolution that would create a court of appeals system independent of the assembly. R. Wayne asked what issues this court would decide. A. Gitlin responded that U. Smith, the main supporter of these resolutions, believes a conflict of interest exists because the SA writes regulations and adjudicates issues related to these regulations. The court would decide cases involving these regulations.


M. Paine was absent so E. Newbury gave the report in his place. She reported President Skorton attended the last meeting and talked about a wide range of topics. She also reported the GPSA covered more areas of interest on the GCI and would begin voting on it in pieces as resolutions are introduced.

Employee Assembly

No members of the Employee Assembly were present so no report was given.

Faculty Senate

R. Kay reported the Faculty Senate has held no meetings since the last UA meeting and, therefore, the UA had already heard the latest report.

IV. Reports from Committees

Selection of new JCC

R. Wayne reported he participated in choosing the top five candidates out of 40, representing a number of different views. These names, ordered by preference were sent to President Skorton for review and further consideration.


K. Albert reported parking rates were set to increase roughly in proportion with inflation for the coming year. He also noted an agreement was reached that would allow students in Collegetown to park in B-lot on a permanent basis. Lastly, he reported the Campus-to-Campus bus service and rates would not change.

V. Open Discussion

M. Lukasiewicz said that she met with M. B. Grant and A. Mittman on the Title IX issue. A larger meeting will be held on the 26th. She said two to three people would be needed from each constituency to go to the meeting to review progress that has been made so far. Policy 6.4 would be reviewed.

E. Newbury alerted the UA that President Skorton would be attending the next meeting. Consequently, members should begin thinking of topics they would like to discuss so a list can be sent to the President. R. Booker asked why discussion topics must be released, suggesting it is more constructive to allow the conversation to direct itself. E. Newbury responded the UA alerts the President of general topics to avoid lulls in the meeting. He suggested one topic of conversation should the issues surrounding the Ho Plaza incident.

In a preliminary review of R. 5, E. Loew asked what had happened to necessitate this resolution. A. Gitlin responded this resolution has been proposed in the context of a heightened level of scrutiny over hazing and other dangerous activities. P. Scelfo added this resolution calls for the transgressions of all university-registered organizations.

VI. Adjournment

J. Cai adjourned the meeting at 4:57 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Noah Wegener
Assemblies Clerk

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