This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.
May 5, 2015
University Assembly
May 5th, 2015
4:30pm - 6:00pm
401 Physical Science Bldg
I. Call to Order (Chair)
- Call to Order (1 minute)
- Call for Late Additions (1 minute)
II. Approval of Minutes (Chair)
- April 21, 2015 (1 minute)
III. Final Reports from Assemblies
- Student Assembly (SA Pres.) (3 minutes)
- Graduate & Professional Student Assembly (GPSA Pres.) (3 minutes)
- Employee Assembly (EA Chair) (3 minutes)
- Faculty Senate (Dean of Faculty) (3 minutes)
IV. Final Committee Updates
- Executive Committee (EVC) (3 minutes)
- Campus Infrastructure Committee (CIC Chair) (3 minutes)
- Campus Welfare Committee (CWC Chair) (3 minutes)
- Codes & Judicial Committee (CJC Chair) (3 minutes)
V. Business of the Day
- For Vote: UA Resolution #8 REVISED: Updating the Campus Planning Committee Charter in the UA Bylaws (N. La Celle) (5 minutes)
- For Vote: UA Resolution #12 REVISED: Charge to the Cornell Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee (M. Battaglia) (5 minutes)
- For Vote: UA Resolution #13 Recognition of Outstanding Support to the AY 2015 Legislative Session (J. Blair) (5 minutes)
- For Vote: UA Resolution #14: Bylaws Change Establishing a Student Insurance Advisory Committee Liaison (M. Battaglia) (5 minutes)
- For Vote: UA Resolution #15: Appointment of University Hearing Board and University Review Board Members for Academic Year 2015–2016 (R. Wayne) (5 minutes)
VI. Late Additions to the Agenda
- Late Additions to the Agenda (5 minutes)
VII. Executive Session [all visitors must depart; all Members not returning to the UA for AY 2015–2016 may depart]
- Internal elections (32 minutes)
VIII. Adjournment (1 minute)
If you are in need of special accommodations, contact Office of the Assemblies at (607) 255�3715.
Contact UA
109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
ph. (607) 255—3715