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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Letter to President Skorton Re: Bylaw Change Reflecting Disassociation of Public Safety Advisory Committee from the University Assembly

Dear President Skorton,

Attached for your review and approval is University Assembly (UA) Resolution #3, “Bylaw Change Reflecting Disassociation of Public Safety Advisory Committee from the University Assembly.”

Last academic year, the UA adopted and you approved UA Resolution 13 that disassociated the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) from the UA. The rationale was that the PSAC duplicated the work of the newly created President’s Council on Campus Safety and Gender/Sexual Violence (PCCSGSV). In your approval, however, you made clear that this approval was contingent upon the new organization’s ability to meet the requirements of New York State Education Law, Article 129-A, Section 6431. In addition, you expected the new organization would continue to consult with the UA in developing its recommendations. A copy of your approval message is attached.

Since passage of Resolution 13, however, a review of the requirements of NYS Education Law Article 129-A required the University to change its approach and the Council on Sexual Violence Prevention (CSVP) was created. Under this new arrangement, it is the UA’s understanding that the CSVP, not the PCCSGSV, now duplicates the efforts of the PSAC. In addition, it is the UA’s understanding that the Strategic Planning Committee of the CVSP has been confirmed as meeting institutional compliance under NYS Education Law Article 129-A, Section 6431. As such, the attached Resolution 3 formally deletes the PSAC from the UA’s bylaws and adds a formal liaison position between the UA and the CSVP to fully comply with your previous approval.

While bylaw changes do not normally require your approval prior to implementation, because the PSAC is considered compliant with NYS Education Law Article 129-A and because the facts that formed the basis of your approval of Resolution 13 last year have changed sufficiently, the UA does not want to formally implement Resolution 3 until your office has confirmed to your satisfaction that the new CSVP is functioning properly and is, in fact, compliant with NYS Education Law.


Contact UA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715