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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

R. 4: Resolution Supporting President Skorton�s Decision to Divest Cornell�s Endowment from Oil Companies Operating in Sudan

Introduced Thursday, 31 August 2006.

Whereas, President David J. Skorton, according to statements provided on August 21st, 2006 by the Cornell Chronicle, has decided to �bar investments of its endowment assets in oil companies currently operating in Sudan and in obligations of the Sudanese government as a response to the genocide being committed in Darfur;�

Whereas, Provost Biddy Martin and President David J. Skorton have began to explore additional humanitarian efforts to support the people of Darfur;

Be it therefore resolved that the Student Assembly supports President Skorton�s recommendation to divest Cornell�s endowment from oil companies operating in Sudan;

Be it further resolved that the Student Assembly will work with President Skorton and Provost Biddy Martin to investigate additional ways to assist the people of Darfur;

Be it further resolved that the Student Assembly recommends to President Skorton, the Board of Trustees, and the Board of Trustees Investment Committee initiating investments in foreign governments and affiliated corporations that do not support human rights violators;

Be it finally resolved that this resolution be sent to President David J. Skorton, President of Cornell University; Provost Biddy Martin, Provost of Cornell University; Chairman Peter C. Meinig, Chairman of the Cornell University Board of Trustees, Chairman Paul A. Gould, Chairman of the Cornell University Board of Trustees Investment Committee, and James Walsh, Chief Investment Officer, Cornell University.

Respectfully submitted,

Elan Greenberg �08 Vice President for Internal Operations Representative, College of Human Ecology

C.J. Slicklen �09 Vice President for Public Relations Representative, School of Hotel Administration

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Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

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