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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

R. 6: Resolution Regarding the Formalization of the Precedent of Agenda-Setting

Introduced Thursday, 31 August 2006.

Whereas, by precedent, the Executive Vice President of the Student Assembly has always practically been tasked with setting the agenda of assembly meetings;

Whereas, this duty has always been taken for granted and never questioned;

Whereas, a recent scrutinization of the Standing Rules and Charter found that the Charter officially tasks this duty to the President;

Whereas, the 2006–2007 Executive Board of the Student Assembly is not opposed with allowing the precedent stand;

Whereas, it is within the realm of the Assembly, under Robert�s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, to amend the charter and make official this precedent;

Be it therefore resolved that the agenda setting portion of the Charter be changed to read:

6.7 Agenda The agenda of the SA�s regularly scheduled meetings will be compiled by the Executive Vice President. Any member of the Cornell community may request that an item be included on the agenda. The agenda to date will be made public at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the SA meeting. Items may be added to the agenda at any time.

Be it further resolved that this duty be made exclusive to the Executive Vice President with the following change in the Charter:

Bylaw 4.2.c.2 The responsibilities of the Executive Vice President are as follows: 1. Attend all SA meetings and act as Chair in the absence of the President. 2. Serve as Assembly correspondent in the absence of or on behalf of the President. 3. Attend and chair all Executive Committee meetings. 4. Attend all Assemblies� leadership meetings and meetings with Executive Staff. 5. Submit agenda items for leadership meetings after soliciting topics from Assembly members, and be responsible for the creation of the weekly agenda for Assembly meetings. 6. Coordinate and assist the undergraduate student UA delegation. 7. Supervise and assist all ad-hoc committees. 8. Track actions of the Assembly to ensure final disposition and confirm correspondence with appropriate units when Assembly actions impact them. 9. Help initiate and organize lobby efforts at both the state and federal levels. 10. Be responsible for responding to questions or comments made during Open Microphone. Issues can be delegated to other members of the Assembly. 11. Be responsible for keeping contact with the Office of Government Affairs and reporting on a regular basis to the SA on issues that concern the student body. Be it finally resolved that this change will take effect immediately.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mazdak Asgary �08 Parliamentarian

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715