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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

R. 8: Resolution Regarding the Admission Fee of Undergraduates to the 2006 Homecoming Football Game

Introduced Thursday, 14 September 2006.

Whereas, the purpose of Homecoming is to welcome back alumni around events with the student body and residents, and the football game is the culmination of this celebration, which unites the student body and the alumni for one of the largest events at Cornell;

Whereas, charging a fee will only deter attendance for this year�s game;

Whereas, the Homecoming football game is attended by a number of alumni who help fund athletics, and a lower attendance at the Homecoming football game could be detrimental to the future of Cornell Athletics;

Be it therefore resolved that the Student Assembly Athletics Committee actively seek alternative funding sources to ensure that this year�s Cornell Homecoming game will be free for undergraduates.

Respectfully submitted,

Mark Coombs �08 Executive Vice President

Vincent Hartman �08 At-Large Representative

Eddy Gumbs �07 2007 Class Council President

Joanna Dai �08 2008 Class Council President

Caroline Newton �09 2009 Class Council President

David Bean �07 IFC President

Anthony Macaluso ‘07 Cornell Football Captain

Jonathan Lucas ‘07 Cornell Football Captain

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Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

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