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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20060921 R 12

R. 12 Resolution Calling for a University-Wide Referendum for the Student Bill of Rights

Whereas, Cornell University is a leading institution of higher academic learning;

Whereas, one of the main objectives of this university is to promote diversity of thought;

Whereas, the Student Bill of Rights has been passed in many peer institutions, including Princeton University;

Whereas, academic freedom is an issue which is of great importance to the students of this university;

Whereas, the charter gives the Student Assembly the ability to hold referenda on issues of student concern;

Whereas, the Student Assembly, as a representative body of all students, values input from all members of the Cornell community;

Whereas, Charter Bylaw 7.6.a.2 delegates the responsibility of conducting referenda to the Communications Committee;

Whereas, referenda will not be costly given that they are administered by CIT;

Be it therefore resolved that the Student Assembly authorizes a referendum for all full-time, undergraduate Cornell students to vote on the question: �Do you approve of the Academic Bill of Rights?�

Be it further resolved that a sufficient amount of publicity is done so that Cornell students might educate themselves on this bill;

Be it further resolved that the Vice President for Public Relations and the Communications Committee, in conjunction with Representative Salem, and any interested parties, will publicize this referendum;

Be it further resolved that both sides shall be able to publish a guest column in the Cornell Daily Sun on the same day explaining the merits and ills of the passage of such a bill, in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Cornell Daily Sun, the Communications Committee, and the Vice President for Public Relations;

Be it further resolved that the results of this referendum are to be reported to the Student Assembly, the University Assembly, the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, the Faculty Senate, the Dean of the Faculty, the Office of the Vice President for Student and Academic Services, the Office of the Provost, the Office of the President, and the Board of Trustees;

Be it finally resolved that the referendum will be held no later than November 1st unless otherwise needed, and later approved by the Student Assembly.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ahmed Salem �08 Representative, International At-Large

CJ Slicklen �09 Vice President for Public Relations Representative, School of Hotel Administration Chairman, Communications Committee

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715