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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20060928 R 13

R. 13 Resolution Regarding the Role of the SA in Political Issues

Whereas, the Student Assembly has passed resolutions regarding political issues in the past,

Whereas� members of the Cornell student body have questioned the right of the Student Assembly to do so,

Whereas, the Student Assembly Charter is unclear when it comes to such matters, as it states the following clauses:

1.3 The SA will have the authority and responsibility to examine any matters which involve the interests or concern the welfare of the student community and to make proposals concerning those issues to the appropriate officers or decision-making bodies of the University.

1.3.a.3 Recommendation is an action of the SA expressing the recommendation of the SA in policy areas over which the SA through its Charter may or may not have policy-making power.

1.3.a.4 A Sense-of-the-Body Resolution, which may or may not be directed at a particular individual, organization or event, is an expression of the opinion of the SA regarding a matter of student concern.

4.2.c.2 The responsibilities of the Executive Vice President are as follows:� (9) Help initiate and organize lobby efforts at both the state and federal levels.

4.2.c.5 The responsibilities of the Vice President of Public Relations are as follows:� (8) Devise and implement mechanisms to increase participation of student organizations in SA processes. (9) Promote student advocacy role that the SA can play on campus. (10) Establish and maintain relations with college newsletters, other University publications and CUINFO, and provide copy for placement therein.

Whereas, university administrators believe that the Student Assembly should make recommendations to it regarding political issues that directly affect higher education,

Be it therefore resolved that the Student Assembly henceforth issue opinions regarding political issues to �the appropriate officers or decision-making bodies of the University�, as stated in Article 1.3 (above), only when they directly affect higher education. A direct effect could be defined as something that affects a student�s standing and day-to-day life at the university, but not necessarily something that is broad enough to affect the student�s standing as a citizen of a political state.

Be it further resolved that this change be formalized with the following change to the Student Assembly charter:

4.2.c.2 The responsibilities of the Executive Vice President are as follows:� strike: (9) Help initiate and organize lobby efforts at both the state and federal levels.

4.2.c.5 The responsibilities of the Vice President of Public Relations are as follows:� (8) Devise and implement mechanisms to increase participation of student organizations in SA processes. (9) Promote student advocacy role that the SA can play on campus. (10) Help initiate and organize lobby efforts at both the state and federal levels for issues that directly affect higher education, subject to Article 1.3. (11)Establish and maintain relations with college newsletters, other University publications and CUINFO, and provide copy for placement therein.

  • A renumbering of these duties will have to take place for both bylaws.*

Be it finally resolved that these changes take effect immediately.

Respectfully submitted,

Mazdak Asgary �08 Parliamentarian Minority Student Representative, 2005–2006 Student Assembly

Ahmed Salem �08 International Representative

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715