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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20061012 R 11

R. 11

Resolution Regarding the Liaison Roles Designated for College and School Representatives

Whereas, the Student Assembly consists of certain representatives with school/college specific constituencies: �Eleven voting members of the SA will be elected by and from the student populations of the colleges and schools, one from each: the College of Architecture, Art and Planning; the School of Hotel Administration; the College of Human Ecology; and the School of Industrial and Labor Relations. Two each shall be elected from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Engineering; and three shall be elected from the College of Arts and Sciences� (Student Assembly Charter, Article 3.1);

Whereas, each college or school�s administration is structured to have its own dean and academic policies;

Whereas, the Student Assembly representatives representing their college or school have responsibilities to address the specific undergraduate concerns within their specific constituencies, and serve as a liaison for the student�s to their college or school�s dean and administration;

Be it therefore resolved that SA members representing their college or school�s constituency must arrange a minimum of two meetings a semester with their respective dean or associate dean(s), and that colleges with multiple representatives should coordinate with each other on attending meetings;

Be it further resolved that SA members will provide a briefing to the Assembly at the next regularly scheduled SA meeting;

Be it finally resolved that the aforementioned changes will be cemented by the following change in the SA charter:

Bylaw 6.1.c:

Student Assembly members who represent specific college or school constituencies are required to arrange at least two meetings a semester with their respective academic dean or associate dean(s) to discuss college/school specific issues and concerns. These representatives will then report back to the Student Assembly at the next regularly scheduled SA meeting briefing the Assembly on pertinent issues and occurrences that would take place as a result of these meetings.

Respectfully submitted,

Ryan Lavin �09 School of Industrial and Labor Relations Representative

C.J. Slicklen �09 Vice President for Public Relations, School of Hotel Administration Representative

Daniel Budish �09 College of Art, Architecture, and Planning Representative

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715