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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

R. 1: Resolution Regarding the Voting Status of SA members in SAFC Matters

Version passed in 2006 SAA 03.

Whereas, the SA serves as the final appeals board when undergraduate groups feel that the SAFC failed to calculate their budget properly and/or treated them unfairly;

Whereas, in order to vote appropriately on such appeals, SA members must have a clear understanding of the SAFC�s rules and regulations before determining whether or not the SAFC failed to abide by them;

Whereas, all SAFC commissioners, as well as the presidents and treasurers of undergraduate groups applying for funding, must have taken the SAFC�s �President and Treasurer�s Test� in order to participate in the SAFC�s funding process;

Be it therefore resolved that SA members must have taken the SAFC�s �President and Treasurer�s Test� online prior to voting on SAFC appeals;

Be it further resolved that if they have not done so, they will not be allowed to vote on SAFC appeals at the SA meeting where they are presented;

Be it further resolved that the Vice President of Finance will be responsible for reminding SA members to take the test prior to SAFC appeals and for informing the Vice President of Internal Operations which SA members are, therefore, eligible to vote on SAFC Appeals;

Be it finally resolved that the following addition be placed in the SA charter, creating:

6.9 Voting Eligibility All SA members will be eligible to vote in all matters pending before the Assembly, as long as their seat is not considered to be vacated (see Article 3.4 for this procedure). When SAFC appeals are brought before the assembly for consideration, all members who wish to cast a vote must have taken the SAFC President and Treasurer’s Test to prove their eligibility to do so. The Vice President of Finance will confirm the SA members who have taken the test, and will inform the Vice President of Internal Operations as to which members are eligible. Members deemed ineligible may not cast a vote when SAFC appeals are heard by the assembly.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Boxer �07 Vice President of Finance

Maddie Ehrlich �09 SA Liaison to the SAFC

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715