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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

R. 19: Resolution Regarding Olin & Uris Libraries

As presented Thursday, 25 January 2007.

Whereas, Cornell University is home to one of the most infamously demanding workloads of any college in the nation;

Whereas, the number of extracurricular clubs and activities on campus alone reveals that Cornell students take an interest in their community beyond that required simply to tackle said workload;

Whereas, the Student Assembly understands and encourages such interest and involvement, and believes that the university should do everything in its power to allow students to continue to learn and grow both inside and outside of the classroom;

Whereas, afternoons and evenings are, for many Cornellians, often devoted to participation in “extracurriculars” of the sort previously mentioned, as well as to similarly beneficial outside-the-classroom endeavors as varied as athletics and, to be sure, student government;

Whereas, this body is firm in its resolve to aid any and all such students in their academic pursuits, and thence wants to make sure that the materials necessary for the purposes of study and research are available to them at all hours of the day;

Whereas, the multitude of such materials for students in the College of Arts & Sciences and those taking classes offered by the college, a group comprising a majority of students at Cornell, are available in Olin and Uris Libraries;

Be it therefore resolved that the Student Assembly recommend to those officers of the university responsible for overseeing its libraries that they extend the hours of Olin Library in particular to match those presently in effect for its counterpart in Uris;

Be it further resolved that, in addition, the Student Assembly recommend to those same officers that they thereafter change the policies of both libraries to guarantee student patrons admission to the book stacks of both for as long as they are open on a given day, thus ensuring that Cornellians have uninhibited access to the bulk of materials in each of them.

Respectfully submitted,

Mark Coombs ‘08 Executive Vice President Representative, College of Arts & Sciences

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Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

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