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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

20070426 R 43

R. 43

Resolution Regarding SA Liaisons to Byline-Funded Groups

As discussed Thursday, 26 April 2007.

Whereas the Student Assembly is entrusted by the Board of Trustees to allocate the Student Activity Fee to over twenty organizations in the most responsible and knowledgeable manner possible, and

Whereas SA members are always encouraged to become as familiarly acquainted as possible with the groups they fund, and

Whereas the leadership of CUTonight feels it necessary to add an SA member to their executive committee, and is planning on amending their own charter in order to accommodate such a change, and

Whereas it is already within the charter of the Slope Day Steering Committee that two SA members sit on their executive committee (see Article 4, Section 2 of the SDSC charter), and

Whereas the Collegiate Readership Program’s liaison to Cornell has requested a specific SA member, other than the Vice President of Finance, to be a personal contact to the program, in order to ensure that the CRP is always functioning in the best possible interests of the student body at all times, and

Whereas over the past year, all three of these byline funded organizations have been faced with specific scenarios affecting the expenditure of the SAF money, which would have been extremely helpful to ameliorate were an SA member a part of executive discussions and votes on the matters

Be it therefore resolved four new Student Assembly liaisons will be created- one to CUTonight, one to the Collegiate Readership program, and two to the Slope Day Steering committee;

Be it further resolved Appendix B shall be amended to include these liaisons in the spending guidelines for each group:

Collegiate Readership Program
1. USA Today and New York Times shall be available in equal proportions at numerous locations on and off campus. These locations shall be determined with input from administrators and students.
2. A report shall be produced and presented to the SA at the end of each semester with information readership and an analysis of the current distribution locations and proportions of papers. Any proposed changes in locations or proportions must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the Student Assembly.
3. Newspapers shall be distributed from the Monday of the week prior to the first full week of classes to the last day of exam week during each fall semester and from the first day of class to the last day of exam week during each spring semester. These distributions periods do not include Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, or Spring Break.
4. The Vice President of Finance shall designate any one member of the Assembly to serve as a liaison to the Collegiate Readership Program. This liaison will be responsible for coordinating reports to the Assembly, examining the efficacy of the program, and initiating changes in distribution locations and proportions where necessary.

CU Tonight Commission
1. Five percent of the total Student Activity Fee allocation shall be transferred into a University endowment account. The SA shall determine guidelines for use of the endowment account.
2. The SA must approve any amendments to the Constitution.
3. Criteria for funding of undergraduate student organizations may not be altered or waived without the express approval of the SA.
4. The Vice President of Finance shall designate any one member of the Assembly to serve as a liaison to the CU Tonight Commission. This liaison will serve as a full commissioner, a member of the CU Tonight executive board, and facilitator for communication between the commission and SA.

Slope Day Programming Board
1. The allocation for the Slope Day Programming Board shall be used exclusively for programming and publicity for an event on the last day of classes during the spring semester.
2. The organizers of the Slope Day Programming Board shall invite the SA to aid in the planning and organization of this event and shall update the SA on its status.
3. The Board shall operate within the procedures established by their Charter, and bring any proposed changes to the Assembly for review.
4. One dollar and twenty-five cents shall be allocated for a non-alcoholic Slope Fest type event.
5. The Slope Day Programming Board shall work with the Cornell Administration to achieve the best possible event for all Cornell students.
6. The Slope Day Programming Board will be tasked to charge graduate students who want to gain entrance to Slope Day activities, unless the GPSA funds the Slope Day Programming Board at an equitable amount. The amount that GPSA funds Slope Day should be proportional to their participation in Slope Day activities. This provision will be in effect for the 2006—2008 SAF cycle.
7. The Vice President of Finance shall designate two liaisons to the Slope Day Programming Board. These liaisons will serve as full members of the executive board.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Boxer ‘07
Adam Gay ‘08
Vice President of Finance 2006 - 2007
Vice President of Finance 2007 - 2008

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715