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October 4, 2007 Meeting Attachments Resolution 6b

R.6b Resolution Requesting P & T tests as an SA Requirement

Originally Presented On:September 27, 2007
Sponsors:Ian Lesyk, Elan Greenberg, Adam Gay
Subject of Resolution:Requesting P & T test as an SA Requirement
Status/Result:Q&A on September 27, 2007
Tabled until 10/4 for vote
Requires 2/3 majority to pass

Whereas, Bylaw 7.5.a.5 of the Student Assembly Charter states that the SA determines the policies for the allocation and use of funds for undergraduate organizations.

Whereas, Appendix B.IV.L.2 of the Student Assembly Charter states that the criteria for funding of undergraduate student organizations may not be altered or waived without the express approval of the SA.

Whereas, the SAFC is a subsidiary committee of the Student Assembly and is charged with allocating a substantial portion of the Student Activity Fee to over 475 undergraduate students groups.

Whereas, it is required that all SAFC commissioners and executive-board members, in addition to the presidents and treasurers of groups requesting funding take and pass the “President and Treasurer’s Test”.

Whereas, the “President and Treasurer’s Test” is comprised of several individual quizzes covering each section of the P & T handbook and is updated each semester to reflect changes to the handbook.

Whereas, the “President and Treasurer’s Test” cannot be failed by design but rather is intended to illuminate important points in the handbook as well as to familiarize the user with its layout.

Whereas, the Student Assembly has the final say in any SAFC appeal in which a group requesting funding feels that the Commission has erred.

Whereas, in order to appropriately judge whether or not the SAFC properly followed the funding guidelines, the SA must have an understanding of the rules and regulations.

Be it therefore resolved, that all Student Assembly representatives are mandated to complete the “President and Treasurers Test” before the SAFC appeals are heard before the SA.

Be it further resolved, that failure to complete the “President and Treasurer’s” test will result in the accrual of one unexcused absence.

Be it further resolved, that the SAFC Liaison will be responsible for reporting to the Vice President of Internal Operations those members that have taken the “President and Treasurer’s Test”.

Be it finally resolved, that the following addition be placed in the SA charter, creating:

Bylaw 7.5.a.5
Student Assembly Finance Commission (SAFC) � The SA determines the policies for the allocation and use of funds for undergraduate student organizations. The SAFC by-line funding allocation shall be raised only in proportion to the percentage increase in the inflation of the dollar or increase in the undergraduate population of Cornell University. The SA VP of Finance shall serve as a non-voting member of the executive board. The SA also hears appeals from decisions of the undergraduate SAFC. The SA SAFC liaison shall serve as a full voting member of the Commission and a member of the Executive Board of the SAFC. All SA members are required to take the “President and Treasurer’s” test before SAFC appeals each semester or will accrue one unexcused absence. The SA SAFC liaison will be responsible for reporting to the SA VP of IOP those members that have completed the exam.

Respectfully submitted,

Elan Greenberg ‘08
SA President, At-Large Representative

Adam Gay ‘08
SA Vice President of Finance, CALS Representative

Ian Lesyk ‘09
SAFC Liaison, Engineering Representative

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715