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February 14, 2008 Meeting Attachment

Cornell University Student Assembly Elections Committee
December 1st, 2007

Per Article II., Section B, Number 1, Letter (b), as well as � 3.1 of the Student Assembly Charter, the Elections Committee notes that the seats that will be open for election in spring ‘08 will be as follows:

  • 8 at-large seats
  • 11 college seats — 3 Arts & Sciences, 2 Engineering & CALS, 1 AAP, 1 HumEc, 1 ILR, and 1 Hotel

The committee is noting this because election materials in the past have noted “designated seats” that are not found anywhere in the Election Rules or in the Student Assembly Charter. Given this, in the spring ‘08 election, the aforementioned seats will be those offered on all campaign and outreach materials by the assembly and this committee. If the currently “designated” seats wish to be “restored”, the only way to do this would be to amend the Student Assembly Charter, specifically Article 3 regarding membership, to create this change.

Furthermore, the committee wishes that the ballot in the spring ‘08 election note that voters may vote for candidates, UP TO the total number of seats available in the election for representatives for a particular seat. For example, voters may vote for UP TO three Arts and Sciences representatives, if they are in that constituency, but they do not have to vote for three. Somewhere on the ballot, instructions should be given that voters do not have to select any candidates within any category if they wish not to do so, or may select fewer candidates than seats available, as aforementioned, and still have their votes counted. The Office of Assemblies will instruct the elections vendor to comply with this request.

  • This statement was approved unanimously on December 1st, 2007, at 5:12 a.m.

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109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715