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R. 23 Confirmation of SA Committee Members

(redirected from SA.20080402R23)

Originally Presented On:April 3, 2008
Sponsors:Andrew Wang ‘08
Subject of Resolution:Confirmation of SA Committee Members

Whereas, the Student Assembly has a staffing committee that is in charge of staffing all committees of the SA and additional undergraduate student appointments to committees of other Assemblies that is supposedly consisted of all voting members of the SA with the Vice President of Internal Operations as the chair.

Whereas, the United States of America government has a legislative body, composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives that is charged with committees. The Congress of the United States of America has its committees submit their slate of members to the full Chamber for approval.

Whereas, the importance of checks, balances, and accountability should be a mandate for this student government to confirm members of the Student Assembly committees.

Be it therefore resolved, that the Student Assembly Charter shall be amended to include the following addition:

Bylaw 7.3.7:
Every committee of the SA must submit its list of voting members to the Student Assembly for majority approval by the 3rd meeting of the Fall Semester.

Respectfully submitted,

Andrew Wang
At-Large Representative

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715