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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Slope Day Programming Board Proposed Charter

Slope Day Programming Board
(as ratified by the Student Assembly on 9/11/03, amended 4/14/05)

Article One NAME

The Slope Day Programming Board shall be a registered student organization. The Programming Board shall represent the student aspect of a partnership between the student body and the administration to plan an event of music, food, and other activities that will benefit and interest the Cornell student body as a celebration of the last day of classes, hereafter referred to as Slope Day. It will be an independent commission of the Student Assembly and Graduate and Professional Student Assembly.


Section 1: Mission To plan and program a Slope Day centered on the Cornell community and its celebration of the past year, through working to break down social barriers, build a greater sense of tradition and community, and foster an environment where students, staff, and faculty can come together as one Cornell.

Section 2: Purpose The Slope Day Programming Board will serve as an organization through which students can work with faculty, staff, and other community members in all colleges, departments, and divisions to plan and promote Slope Day. The Board shall promote a day that fosters a safe and healthy environment with multiple social and recreational options. The group will recruit and train students for Slope Day to assist with monitoring, entertainment, food and beverage distribution, and other activities. The group will be responsible for use of appropriated student funds, pursuant to guidelines established by the Student Assembly and Graduate and Professional Student Assembly through Appendix B of their Charters, and partake in the University’s efforts through cooperation and coordination with its departments through the Slope Day Steering Committee. The Board shall work with the administration and, the Student Assembly, and the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly in the development of policy for the day.

Section 3: Policy Regarding Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Activities The Slope Day Programming Board will not use any of their appropriated funds for the procurement or distribution of alcohol. Funds appropriated will be forfeited in such an instance.

Article Three MEMBERSHIP

Section 1: Student Membership The membership of the Slope Day Programming Board and its subcommittees is open to all currently registered undergraduate and graduate students at Cornell University. The Slope Day Programming Board will seek and actively solicit the input and participation of representatives from other on-campus student leadership and service organizations including, but not limited to, the Student Assembly (SA), the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GPSA), byline funded organizations of the SA and GPSA, fraternities and sororities respectively, SOS, Renaissance, and the Residence Hall Association (RHA).

Section 2: Administration Participation With the cooperation of the Dean of Students Office and other University Departments, the Slope Day PlanningProgramming Board and its subcommittees will be guided by staff members who will serve as advisors.


Section 1: Executive Powers The executive powers herein granted shall rest with the officers of the Slope Day Programming Board, who shall oversee and coordinate the actions of the general membership and subcommittees. The officers shall be responsible for fulfilling reporting activities to the Student Assembly and Graduate and Professional Student Assembly.

Section 2: The Board The Board will meet together at least three times during the fall semester and once a week on an agreed upon day during the spring semester and as otherwise needed in order to plan for Slope Day.

Two members of the Student Assembly shall be designated as official liaisons between the SA and the Board. These Assembly members shall be full members of the Board’s Executive Committee.One assembly member shall be a full member of the Board’s Executive Committee. The second, the VP of Finance, will be an ex-officio member.

Two members of the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly shall be designated as official liaisons between the GPSA and the Board. One assembly member shall be a full member of the Board’s Executive Committee. The second, the VP of Finance, will be an ex-officio member.

Section 3: The Slope Day Steering Committee The Slope Day Steering Committee shall serve as hub for the coordination of the student administration partnership. The PresidentThe Chair of the Slope Day Programming Board and the Dean of Students shall serve as co-chairs of this organization.

The Officers of the Programming Board shall serve as the student representatives on the Slope Day Steering Committee. They shall also gauge the need for and invite ex-officio student members for the Programming Board and for the Slope Day Steering Committee in conjunction with the Student Assembly and Graduate and Professional Student Assembly.

The Board shall submit a list of proposed positions on the Steering Committee to the Assembly in the Spring of each year, for recommendations and additions.

The two Student Assembly liaisons shall serve on the Slope Day Steering Committee with full membership rights and privileges.

The two Graduate and Professional Student Assembly liaisons shall serve on the Slope Day Steering Committee with full membership rights and privileges.

Section 43: Subcommittees Slope Day Programming Board subcommittees shall be established for the purpose of assuring that the business of the Board is conducted and that the individual aspects of the events of the day are executed smoothly. All members shall be eligible for membership on the subcommittees and will be selected based on individual interests and needs of the group.

Each subcommittee’s chairperson will serve as a liaison between the subcommittee and the Board. Each subcommittee will function with a staff advisor assigned in cooperation with University Health Services, Campus Life, and the Dean of Students Office.

Article Five OFFICERS

Section 1: Elections Nominations will be made during the first meeting held in March for officer positions: Chair, Vice Chair, Administrative Director, Promotions Director, SlopeFest Director(s), Selections Director, Greek Liaison, and SOS chair(s).and subcommittee chairs or directors. These officers shall make up the Executive Board of the Slope Day Programming Board. Elections will be held during the second meeting of March. The Slope Day Programming Board officers will be selected by a majority vote of the membership. Members may be nominated for officer positions by group members or they may nominate themselvesby themselves. Two SA Liaisons and two GPSA Liaisons shall serve as officers selected by the Student Assembly and Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, respectively.

Section 2: Elected Officers All elected officers will serve a two-semester term beginning after the Slope Day immediately following elections. Outgoing officers are expected to train their successors. All officers are expected to attend meetings, perform the duties assigned to them by the Board, and notify the other officers of their progress.

All officers are subject to removal from office if they fail to perform the duties of their office by a 2/3 majority vote of the general membership. In this event, the remaining officers will share the duties of the removed officer until an election is held within two weeks.

Section 32: Elected Officer Responsibilities The Chair shall be vested with the Executive authority of the board, and shall run and oversee the function of the Slope Day Programming Board. The PresidentChair will also co-chair all Slope Day Steering Committee meetings, and; serve as the official Slope Day Steering Committee and Programming Board representative to the Student Assembly, the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, the President’s Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs, the administration, and other organizations to which the group is affiliated.

The Vice Chair will assume the duties and responsibilities of the PresidentChair when he/she is unable to do so, and aid the PresidentChair in fulfilling his/her duties. The Vice Chair will also be responsible for coordinating the logistics of the event; and shall work with the administration to this end as co-chair of the Slope Day Logistics Committee.

The Administrative Director shall be responsible for the finances and administration of the bBoard and its various subcommittees. He or she shall submit an bi-annual proposed budget; initiate all requests for funds from the Student Assembly and the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly; keep accurate and up-to-date records of all financial matters; and regularly present and interpret financial reports at meetings. The Administrative Director shall also take minutes at all meetings and will submit them for approval and keep an archive of all Slope Day related documents. He or she shall be responsible for keeping the membership directory, control of the list-serve, registration of the organization with the Student Activities Office, and/or other duties as delegated by the Chair.

The Promotions Director(s) shall be responsible for designing and coordinating the promotion efforts of the Slope Day Programming Board and Slope Day Steering Committee through various mediums, including the Slope Dayour website. He or sheThey shall be responsible for informing the student body and the University community of the relevant rules and procedures surrounding the day, as well as increasing student interest in the event.

The SlopeFest Director(s) shall be responsible for the planning, coordination, and promotion of SlopeFest, a non-alcoholic festival within the Slope Day event. They shall work to provide a safe, fun, and inclusive non-alcoholic alternativesupplemental activity for students on Slope Day.

The Selections Director shall be responsible for organizing the Sselection effort for the performers on Slope Day. He or she shall solicit feedback from the student body and various student organizations and shall strive to choose acts that will maximize student interest in the event. He or she shall submit a list of recommendations to the Executive Board, whom with the input of the membership, willshall decide put out initial offers for performers.

The Greek Liaison shall collaborate with the leaders of the Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Association, and Multicultural Greek Letter Council to serve as a link between the Slope Day Programming Board and the Greek Community so that the goals of both groups may be met on Slope Day.

The SOS Chair(s) shall work with the co-chairs of the Slope Day Logistics Committee to recruit, train, and schedule volunteers for Slope Day.

Subcommittee Chairs or Directors - The subcommittee chairs shall serve as chairs for their respective subcommittees, prepare agendas, organize meetings, report back to the Board and fulfill the functions of the committee set by the charter. Subcommittee chairs or directors will be created at discretion of the Chair, their chairpersonswill be selected by vote of the Board.

The SA Liaisons and GPSA Liaisons shall report activities of the Boardcommittee to the Student Assembly and Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, respectively, and fulfill functions delineated by the parent bodyas agreed upon by the Board.

Section 4: Appointed Officers All appointed officers will serve a one-semester term beginning in January of the Spring semester. In order to be considered for these positions, the candidate must have previous experience and/or knowledge of the required responsibilities.

Section 5: Appointed Officer Responsibilities The Hospitality Director shall be responsible for reviewing the hospitality rider of the Artist(s) prior to the day of Slope Day and shall work to prepare for their arrival(s) the day of Slope Day. He or she is responsible for purchasing those items listed in the agreed upon contract and shall prepare the dressing rooms to suit the Artists’ standards. He or she is also responsible for feeding the local crew and various University workers (in the absence of a professional caterer).

The Production Director is primarily in charge of concert logistics. This includes, but is not limited to, securing sound, lighting, and stage, as well as being the primary contact between Slope Day Programming Board and the performer’s management.

Section 3: Elected Officers All elected officers will serve a two-semester term beginning after the Slope Day immediately following elections. Outgoing officers are expected to train their successors. All officers are expected to attend meetings, perform the duties assigned to them by the Board and notify the other officers of their progress.

All officers are subject to removal from office if they fail to perform the duties of their office by a 2/3 majority vote of the general membership. In this event, the remaining officers will share the duties of the removed officer until an election is held within two weeks.


As an independent commission of the Student Assembly and Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, the Board will have sole autonomy over its internal operations and sole discretionary control over its programming, outreach, and logistical decisions, excepting circumstances dictated by Appendix A and Appendix B of the Studenteach Assembly‘s Charter and circumstances herein outlined:

(1) The Assemblies shall be responsible for approving changes to the Board’s Charter and governing documents by 2/3 majority vote.

(2) Changes to the proposed structure, nature, and function of the event will be proposed to the Slope Day Steering Committee by the President of the University, or designee. The representatives of the Slope Day Programming Board on the Slope Day Steering Committee shall debate and submit recommendations to the Student Assembly, the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, and the President, or designee. At this time, the Assemblies shall negotiate on behalf of the student body with the Administration, should they so desire. The Board shall abide by the guidelines established by University policy, as negotiated between the SA, the GPSA, and the University.

Article Seven AMENDMENTS

Amendments may be recommended by members and will be implemented upon approval by a 2/3 majority vote of the Slope Day PlanningProgramming Board Executive Board. Final approval of amendments will be voted upon by the Student Assembly and Graduate and Professional Student Assembly.


The Slope Day Programming Board will work closely with the Dean of Students Office to annually allocate event costs among the Slope Day Programming Board budget and the Dean of Students Office budget.

Article EightNine ADOPTION

This document shall be adopted as the Charter of the Slope Day Programming Board. Upon ratification by majority vote of the Student Assembly and Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, the provisions of this Charter shall become binding for the Slope Day Programming Board.

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715