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November 20, 2008 Meeting Attachment

R.14 Exam Administration on Yom Kippur

Originally Presented On:Thursday, November 20, 2008
Sponsors:L. Engelmyer, S. Spanbock
Subject of Resolution:Exam Administration on Yom Kippur

Whereas, Yom Kippur is Judaism’s holiest holiday, on which Jews traditionally fast for twenty five hours and spend the majority of the day in synagogue, engaging in intensive prayer. More observant Jews also refrain from engaging in daily activities, such as working, writing, and turning on and off electricity.

Whereas, The holiday commences eighteen minutes prior to sundown on the 10th day following Rosh Hashana and ends twenty five hours later.

Whereas, The restrictions imposed by the holiday make it anywhere from difficult to impossible to study for and take an exam.

Whereas, While there are holidays in other religions that involve fasting, Yom Kippur is the only holiday of this type that prohibits one from engaging in labor of any kind.

Whereas, This semester, Cornell administered twelve preliminary evening exams the Thursday on which Yom Kippur ended. Although students were permitted to take the exam on a different date, they were nevertheless disadvantaged in terms of managing their academic schedules. Students should not have to decide whether they want to take the exam with the rest of the class or to compromise their schedules in order to observe the holiday.

Be it therefore resolved, that the Student Assembly requests that the University refrain from administering exams on the evening that commences Yom Kippur, through the following night.

Respectfully submitted,

Lauren Engelmyer
At-Large Representative

Sara Spanbock
Cornell ‘10

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Cornell University

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