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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

February 26, 2009 Meeting

R.25 Survey of Students Involved in Illegal File Sharing

Originally Presented On:February 26, 2009
Sponsors:Mike Heinz
Subject of Resolution:Survey of Students Involved in Illegal File Sharing

Whereas, the RIAA and other agencies frequently send notices to Cornell students who are presumed to be participating in illegal file sharing. These notices (settlement letters) ask students to stop any illegal action and often ask the student to pay a settlement fee.

Whereas, Vice President for Information Technology Polley McClure came to a Student Assembly meeting to discuss the financial burden these settlements place on Cornell students. In this meeting it was concluded that the Student Assembly should support the student body by gathering statistics about illegal file sharing and making them public to the University.

Be it therefore resolved, that the Student Assembly distribute the attached survey, via VP McClure, to all Cornell students who have received a settlement letter and are able to be contacted.

Be it further resolved, that the IT Committee compile the responses of the completed surveys into a meaningful format, and make public to the entire Cornell Community.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Heinz,
Engineering Representative
Information Technology Committee Chair

Contact SA

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Cornell University

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