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April 2, 2009 Meeting

R.31 Granting Voting Rights to Liaisons

Originally Presented On:April 2, 2009
Sponsors:Allen Miller and Sanjiv Tata |
Subject of Resolution:Granting Voting Rights to Liaisons

Whereas, the Greek community represents roughly one-third of the undergraduate population, and the residential community (those with a Cornell University housing contract) represents roughly one-half of the undergraduate student body

Whereas, the Greek Tri-council and Residential Student Congress each have their own methods of electing student leaders and liaisons to the Student Assembly

Whereas, both the RSC Liaison and Greek Liaison are beholden to their respective constituencies and must accurately represent the members of their respective organizations

Whereas, the above two clauses are true of each of the current voting members whether representing a college (i.e Engineering, Hotel, etc.,) or a community (i.e. International, Minority, etc.,)

Be it therefore resolved, that the Greek Liaison and RSC Liaison shall be given the full rights and responsibilities of a voting member, excepting the ability to serve as a member of the Student Assembly Executive Board.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sanjiv Tata
Residential Student Congress, President
Student Assembly, RSC Liaison

Allen Miller
Interfraternity Council, Executive Vice President
Student Assembly, Greek Liaison

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715