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April 16, 2009 Meeting

R.36 Creation of a Cornell-Collegetown Committee

Originally Presented On:April 16, 2009
Sponsors:Chris Basil, Allen Miller
Subject of Resolution:Creation of a Cornell-Collegetown Committee

Whereas, 97% of residents living in the Collegetown area are Cornell students

Whereas, students, faculty, staff, and permanent residents including those who do not live in Collegetown benefit from the restaurants, businesses, entertainment centers and other attractions located in Collegetown

Whereas, there currently exits no structure for students to organize and advocate for student interests in the ongoing work of the Collegetown Neighborhood Council, Collegetown Vision Implementation Committee, Ithaca Common Council and other local governing bodies

Whereas, the Students Assembly recently passed Resolution 32 endorsing the Goody Clancy Plan thereby showing a commitment to the long term growth and development of Collegetown

Whereas, article 7.1.4 of the SA charter reads: “Ad hoc committees will be created to help facilitate specific needs of the SA. Ad hoc committees do not require a bylaw to be created, although each must receive a specific charge. Ad hoc committees may be charged at a single meeting.”

Be it therefore resolved, that an Ad hoc Cornell-Collegetown Student Committee will be created to enhance the relationship between Cornell and the Ithaca city government, provide information on local governance issues to students, mobilize student interest and lobbying efforts, brainstorm ideas for the improvement of Collegetown and work with the Ithaca Common Council to ensure that Collegetown is a community that serves the interests of Cornell students.

Be it further resolved, that the composition of the committee shall be left to the committee to decide but that initial membership in the committee will include: 3 members of the Student Assembly, 2 members of the Greek tri-council, 1 member of Campus Life and 4 members from the Cornell or Collegetown community (including but not limited to landlords, permanent residents, students, faculty and staff).

Respectfully Submitted,

Chris Basil
Student Assembly, Executive Vice President

Allen Miller
Student Assembly, Greek Liaison

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715