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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

April 23, 2009 Minutes

Cornell University Student Assembly
April 23, 2009
4:45 — 6:30pm
Memorial Room, Willard Straight Hall

I. Call to Order

R. Lavin called the meeting to order at 4:4 pm.

II. Roll Call

Representatives Present: V. Andrews, N. Baker, C. Basil, A. Brokman, A. Craig, E. Cusick, E. Diakow, A. Garcia-Verdin, M. Heinz, N. Junewicz, N. Kumar, R. Lavin, M. McDermott, G. Mezey, T. Miller, R. Salem, E. Shannon, B. Smith, R. Stein

Representatives Excused Absent: A. Latella, N. Raps

Representatives Unexcused Absent: L. DeLencquesaing, O. Sandoval, Y. Yao

Liaison Present: A. Miller

Liaison Absent: S. Tata

III. Approval of the Minutes — April 16, 2009

There was a call for acclimation. This was seconded. There was no dissent. The minutes were approved.

IV. Open Microphone

No one came forth to speak.

V. Announcements/Reports

CIT Committee Update — Mike Heinz

M. Heinz reported that RIAA seems to be targeting students. All the students involved paid the settlement fees. The situation was stressful for the students, and they feel Cornell should do a better a job protecting them. The details will be posted on the CIT website.

G. Mezey offered free meal ticket for SA members not on meal plan. The Dining Committee asks that they give feedback about the dining experience afterwards.

C. Basil congratulated R. Lavin and M. McDermott for receiving distinguished leadership awards.

R. Salem reported on the SUNY SA biannual conference this past weekend.

VI. Business of the Day

R.39 Changes to SAFC Guidelines — Emlyn Diakow, Yuliya Neverova, and Varun Gehani

Y. Neverova and V. Gehani went through the substantive changes in the SAFC Guidelines.

R. Salem asked what are the funding limits for a returning group. Y. Neverova said they would not be affected.

V. Andrews asked about funding if an organization wanted to hire a bus from Cornell. Y. Neverova said all funding within Tompkins County would not be affected.

There was a call to question, and the resolution passed 17–0−0.

R.40 Approving SAFC Member and Officer Appointments — Tony Miller, Yuliya Neverova, and Varun Gehani

The sponsors elaborated about the appointments. There was a call for acclimation, and the resolution passed.

R.41 Resolution Against Discrimination Within Student Organizations - Nikki Junewicz, Eric Shannon, Chris Donohoe, and Asa Craig

Last “be it therefore resolve” was stricken from the resolution.

The sponsors explained the purpose of this resolution is to represent the student body’s voice at Cornell. SAFC has an obligation to represent the student body and shouldn’t fund groups that discriminate. Chris Donohoe joined Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship in freshman year and became part of the leadership team. This year he was asked to step down from leadership due to his sexual orientation.

E. Shannon pointed out that it is okay to believe what you want to, but funding that comes out of the student body’s pocket should only go to groups that obey university policies regarding discrimination.

R. Lavin noted that the group’s funding has been suspended for 10 business days

T. Miller asked what would happen to the funding if the resolution doesn’t pass. R. Lavin replied the suspension would be lifted after 10 days.

Y. Neverova said there will be an investigation. A. Epstein amended that it would determine if the suspension is temporary or permanent.

A community member said that Chi Alpha seems to have a problem with homosexuality, not with homosexuals themselves. But homosexuality is not a choice, so this distinction is false.

T. Miller asked if there was a formal process to officially remove people from the leadership. C. Donohoe replied no. He was removed from leadership by Matt and Tracy Herman, directors of Cornell Chi Alpha CURW affiliates. It was not formal.

T. Miller recommended Chi Alpha to adopt a process where people of the group can elect and remove their leaders formally. C. Donohoe was not removed from the group, only leadership, and a group should have the right to choose their leadership based on their beliefs, so the funding shouldn’t be removed.

R. Stein felt the group should have their own discretion. We need to either establish rules that say no one can offend other distinct classes, or we cannot treat this group any differently. This resolution also assumes the results of the investigation before the investigation even started.

A. Craig said no other group has been brought to the SA. If any SA members feel other groups have done similar discriminations, they should bring those groups to the SA.

Y. Neverova said the groups have to be in good standing with the Students’ Activities Office, which means they have to abide by the SAFC guidelines.

Dean Hubbel welcomed an investigation. It will involve a lot of discussion about CURW and other religious groups affiliated with Cornell.

Y. Neverova said the SAFC may not revoke funding for more than a year, so a decision about permanent funding suspensions has to be made through the investigation.

Thomas Hermann, treasurer of Chi Alpha, said Chris was removed not because of his homosexuality but because he changed his views regarding homosexuality, which came in direct conflict with Chi Alpha nationally. This was not a sudden decision. Chris has been in communication with the leadership for a long time. Chris was never treated with hate or anger and has been respectfully asked to step down.

C. Basil said personal rights have been violated and there should be consequences.

V. Andrews said the resolution is not asking for something biased one way or another. It’s asking the SA to aid the SAFC and SAO on the investigation. People should read it over again and do not decide on the issue based on personal opinions.

Another community member pointed out it’s equally important that church be protected against state in the separation of church and state issue. Schools with religious affiliates cannot be discriminated against and can pursue their own ethical systems even with public funding. Religious minority views should be allowed to flourish.

E. Diakow said all groups, no matter what they preach, should open up its membership and leadership to all. She asked C. Donohoe if he feels that his beliefs affected his ability as a leader?

C. Donohoe pointed out that other people in the group hold other religious beliefs that contradict the umbrella beliefs of Chi Alpha and they are not being asked to step down, so why are they not held to the same standards that he is?

A community member said groups should be allowed to approve of their leaders and what their leaders are doing. It is impossible for someone to teach something they don’t believe in.

G. Mezey is hesitant to support the resolution wants more clarification on the doctrines of Chi Alpha. If some other leader in the group violated the doctrines in some other way, would they be asked to step down?

C. Donohoe replied that the rules are fluid. Even if members did something wrong, as long as they feel it was wrong and are sorry for it, they are allowed to stay.

R. Lavin emphasized that someone is asked to step down due to homosexuality, and that is discrimination. This is now a campus issue. And the SA is obligated to represent the students. He supported the resolution.

E. Cusick asked about the SAFC investigation. Why present this resolution before the results of the investigation are known?

A. Craig said discussions about this issue started a long time ago. N. Junewicz added that this resolution is to support the SAFC.

Another community member asked if we give the group the right to appoint their leaders, why do we not allow them the rights to remove their leaders?

A. Craig replied this was not a democratic process.

The community member then asked how is the investigation going to be done and how transparent would it be to the Cornell community?

R. Lavin replied that the final policy will be made public.

Y. Neverova added that the SAFC E-board will decide if the group is in violation of university policy. The decision to permanently revoke funding is open to appeal by the SA.

Danielle D’Ambroslo, President of Chi Alpha, said this is not about homosexuality. Any leader practicing a lifestyle against Chi Alpha rules would have been removed. It just so happens homosexuality is a controversial issue.

R. Lavin said this is all about the eligibility requirements for SAFC funding. R. Salem added that when university money comes into it, the group needs to conform to university guidelines first before the national Chi Alpha national guidelines.

T. Miller pointed out that this doesn’t need to be taken up to the SAO because the SAFC already has a procedure in place to deal with the situation.

V. Andrews reiterated SAFC will conduct its review and the SA needs to conduct its own review. We cannot allow ourselves to vote on SAFC results without full knowledge of the issue. We need to act efficiently because we only have one meeting left. He made a call to question.

The resolution passed with 13–1−3.

R. 43 Women’s issues

Allison and Lila, both juniors, Tony Miller

Pan-Atlantic sorority

A. Miller: representative going to be on e-board or? Not necessarily because situation changes every year.

E. Diakow:

T. Miller. Change 15 to 14, 9 to 8.

There was a call for acclimation and it was seconded. The resolution passed.

VII. Unfinished Business

R.37 Housing Lottery Recommendations- Part 1: Information — Nikhil Kumar, Emily Cusick, and Natalie Raps

There was a call for acclimation. It was seconded without dissent. The resolution passed.

VIII. Adjournment

The motion to adjourn was seconded. R Lavin adjourned the meeting at 6:22 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Yang Zhang

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715