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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

September 17, 2009

Cornell University Student Assembly
September 17, 2009
4:45 — 6:30pm
Memorial Room, Willard Straight Hall

I. Call to Order

R Salem called the meeting to order at 4:47 pm

II. Roll Call

Representatives Present: V. Andrews, C. Basil, C. DeLencquesaing, M. DeLucia, Z. Glasser, N. Junewicz, N. Kumar, A. Latella, J. Min, N. Raps, J. Rau, A. Raveret, R. Salem, K. Welch, O. Williams

Representatives Excused Absent: A. Cowen

Representatives Unexcused 1/2 Absent: A. Nicoletti

Representatives Unexcused Absent: I. Akinpelu

Liaison Present: A. Flye

Liaison Absent: P. Eliasinski

III. Open Microphone

Roenael Desai said that he heard about voting on adjusting Thanksgiving break last year and the motion failed. Could someone explain? VP Basil said that it was decided by faculty senate. University decided to add day at beginning of year and give Labor Day as a holiday. Next year Labor Day will be a vacation day. R. Desai was confused about the differences between SAFC funded organization and byline funded organizations. VP Basil cleared up the differences.

IV. Announcements/Reports

Moment of Silence in Honor of Warren Schor

R Salem said that Warren Schor recently passed away from complications involving H1N1. There was a moment of silence to recognize his passing.

Office Hours- Rammy Salem

He let everyone know that they are currently from 12–2 pm at Libe Caf�.

Elections Committee Update — Nikki Junewicz

There was nothing really new. Voting starts Monday morning, 8am online.

Dining Committee and Events Update- Alex Latella

Dining committee met yesterday for the first time this year. If anyone’s interested, they do have 30 people coming. An upcoming event — fall harvest dinner. Next Thursday, he encourages all after the SA meeting to go. It will take place in RPCC, being 1 swipe via meal plan. Every item is locally grown from farms selected from Cornell area. A famous chef is in charge.

Women’s Issues Committee Update-Natalie Raps

They had their first meeting. They were focusing on women’s safety. Not only from our university but also Yale, this problem is prevalent. They’re starting a walk home in connection with blue light. There will be two volunteers at libraries and will walk you home. Eventually they want to go to vans. She wants to do survey to community not only for volunteering but if they would be interested.

N Junewicz asked if they explored the blue light escort? N Raps said she was calling CUPD and wants to explore that. Some people are scared to call police, not convenient. Some have to wait 45 minutes to come get them. V Andrews said that if they need PR help, we can work with PR committee to put together.

Standing Rules Amendment- Nikhil Kumar

Nothing to do with standing rules, more to do with committees. Pretty much through with staffing. A few openings on committees left. Most are already staffed. Leaving a couple open for fall elections people. Hopefully done in 2–3 weeks. Committee chairs are expected to start meeting this week. Email him meeting schedules, agenda, minutes to put on the website. After every committee, quick oral report.

Residential Life Committee — Jonathon Rau

They discussed the Ken Glover issue in detail. Also there were program houses, housing lottery and relatedness. There is a resolution in the pipeline to give students more say in choosing their RHD and they are going to try to have that for the next meeting. Rep. Nicoletti and he met with Leslie Sadler with information regarding situation. Mainly Cornell has been conduction program house reviews for last 18 months. They are not going to be shut down.

Environmental Committee — A. Ravaret

They met yesterday and had a good turnout. There were a lot of ideas about new ways to make campus more sustainable. Haven’t been able to come up with resolutions yet but soon to come. Working on putting up posters and promoting awareness.

United Way — Max Zek

They meet every 2 weeks with David Harrison as chair. Today kicked off the Steven E Gardner Day of Caring in downtown Ithaca. From September 28 to October 5 pledge cards will be sent out. Oct 16 is homecoming, 13 a cappella groups participating. All registration fees go to United Way. Student campaign as a subset totaled $25,000 last year, but requesting more assistance from SA, also more than just financially. Jason Shapiro, IFC rep within committee said there will be a can collecting drive within Greek Week. There are efforts to make united way the official philanthropic organization associated with IFC. This is the 3rd year with formal student involvement. There’s an idea in the works to create video promoting campaign. SA could help.

R Salem said that the campus community coalition led by staff from Cornell, Ithaca College, and the community is meeting in the high school cafeteria. They’re talking of staff’s handling of H1N1, with an extended Q&A tonight 7–830 pm. Also, he was sent an email from CUDA wanted to establish service team for students with temporary or long-term disabilities. They want volunteers and already have the support of Gannett. Types of things would be library books, grocery shopping, laundry. Email saf35 if interested.

He then motioned to make a standing rules amendment. He already changed the meetings to end at six thirty and wanted to further the change and have it end at seven. N Kumar seconded. N Junewicz asked if this was because of appropriations. R Salem said that it was not primarily because of but in case of. V Andrews asked if it could be voted on it next week, so we can pass it in front of the executive board. R Salem noted that it would just change of 6:30 to 7 V Andrews said there are prelims. It ran over last week, but didn’t know if it’ll happen every week. R Salem withdrew his motion until next week.

V. Business of the Day

Appropriations Committee Allocations — Chris Basil

He hoped everyone had a chance to look over reports. He will read through quickly and end with convocation. Next Monday, they are hearing the WSH student union board, CUEMS and community partnership board. This past Monday they heard class councils. Over the past years, they received $2.50 and were asking for 2.75. The appropriations committee recommended $2.50. The rationale was that they decided to fund at $2.50 for the 2010–2012 byline-funding cycle. They were commended and leaving them the same amount of money would encourage them to cut unsuccessful programs and work better toward the more successful. The way they did voting, they were voting DOWN from highest amount until they got a majority. They will begin the hearing with amount people requested. If it fails, it keeps going down. $2.75 failed 0–12, $2.50 passed 12–0. SA should look at the appendix b rules for class councils and stipulate they allocate higher amounts to freshmen and senior classes. Senior week was funded at $4.50 and were asking for $5.50. The appropriations committee recommended 5 dollars. Senior week is before commencement. SA funds free night event nearly every night, such as barbecues and casino night. The appropriations committee decided on 5 dollars. They felt it was a great program and with additional support it could be even better but felt a 22 percent increase was too much. Some believed they should raise additional revenue by charging some small amount for free events. Others felt all seniors should be able to have the opportunity to go for free. The vote for $5.50 failed 0–12–1. The vote for $5.00 approved by a vote of 12–1−1.

Convocation had been funded at $7.50 and requested $10.50. The appropritations committee recommended $7.75. The day where students choose speaker to address class. This was discussed at length. Many felt that they deserved the addition, and most believed strongly in increasing honorarium. Others thought is university event. Some wanted to drastically reduce fee in order to force discussion with administrators. Ultimately, $7.75 to cover WHOLE increase but also reflecting the fact that commencement be a one day event. The vote for $10.50 failed 1–13. The vote for $9 failed 6–8. The vote for $7.75 passed 8–6. Convocation committee appealed the decision.

Appropriations Committee Appeal�Heather Levy

Rationale was that the history of this was that convocation was a student run initiative. Administrators want students to take it on themselves by selecting and financially supporting it. In the past two years, they wanted to shift support through byline funding though the university subsidizes the building of stage and other costs such as mailing. The reason for increase, in light of increase of production cost, they want first class speakers. In order to do so, they need more of an honorarium. It helps build a better relationship with trustees.

The vote needs to pass by majority or fail by 2/3.

J Min asked if it was a conflict of interest that some people are on the convocation committee. VP Basil responded that it does not because this funding doesn’t fund THEIR convocation. It is for next year and the year after. If anything, they add a unique perspective.

V Andrews motioned to affirm the allocations of Class Council and Senior Week. It was seconded. With no dissent, they were approved.

VP Kumar said that as a member of the appropriations committee, he was there when they voted for $7.75. He had reservations about ANY increase, especially at the level requested. His argument was that the university needs to share some of responsibility. He thinks there are a lot of creative solutions so that it doesn’t jump from $4.50 two years ago to $10.50 for the next cycle. That’s over doubling. There are a lot of creative solutions that Heather Levy has talked about, including looking at emerging events. There’s also the option of ticket prices. Lots of options look into before giving decent increase for appropriations committee. There is a lot of discussion that needs to happen. He motioned to table the resolution. They can revisit the allocation any time before the end of December. There was dissent. R Salem, as chair decided to keep the discussion going. VP Basil said that VP Kumar is mistaken, they have all the information here and now. There were some difficulties resulting from a misunderstanding from the university rule. The Student Activity fee does not function separately FROM tuition. It’s PART of tuition allocating toward student programming. While the rest is research, maintenance, salaries, it has gone up 8 percent. Susan Murphy says to increase SA fee also by 8 percent. We need to decide where to improve. They have the privilege and responsibility of how seeing how people acted in the past to decide how to best allocate. If we don’t pay for the cost, the same pool of money there will not be less money for salaries. Our responsibility is to give money for great programs. Throughout the discussion, it was almost universal that convocation does need more. If you’d risk having no negotiating power for your convocation speakers, that is your choice. He recommend that they consider a 1.15 increase to $7.50 which is $8.45 which would increase. All budget packets. If you flip to last page, projected usage for this year and next two years, see that 100% increase is directly to speaker honorarium. This alone brings negotiating power up to 50,000 dollars. As Heather said, it’s not money that’s spent, it allows our trustees to go to speakers. We can offer or donate to use as a scholarship in their name. This gives you as a student flexibility to find the speaker you want.

VP Andrews said that Chris is right that this is the Student Activity fee, we do have right to allocate way we want. He and Nikhil, and he supports motion to table because asking for time to approach administrators and ask how to make convocation more efficient. Through the Student Activity fee, they are paying for chair setup, stage setup, sound setup. All costs are incurred during regular graduation. As student elected representatives, it is their responsibility to vote on the Student Activity fee in a way to be spent in the most efficient matter. He’s not asking for a decrease or an increase, he is just asking to give him and Nikhil and the convocation committee who wishes to work time to ask for less expensive event so don’t have to increase to $10.50 and can make it a great event. They could increase the honorarium without increasing the fee. Heather Levy said that the convocation committee opened discussion by trying to streamline efficiencies. While that is the long-term goal, consider that byline funding is a 2-year process. If you propose to change convocation and combine it with commencement, that discussion will take a long time. Maybe give an increase so the classes of ‘11 and ‘12 can get a speaker but consider a long-term discussion.

N Raps asked if we table it does that mean that we will hurt the students. Heather Levy said that it is not to do with 2010, it’s for 11 and 12. R Salem said that it doesn’t matter when as long as it’s before our last meeting.

J Min asked a Point Of Information. At the end of the process, are we allowed to revisit everything? VP Basil said they hear groups individually, and the second meeting before the end of the semester, they will have all 30 requests and can revisit any at that time theoretically. They have to be passed by the last meeting. It is better for conversations to be settled early in the semester.

V Andrews asked a Point Of Information. What was the vote? Nine dollars was 6–8, $7.75 was 8–6.

VP Kumar said that by choosing today it rushes the process. He would like a little more time to have discussions. He motioned to table. It was seconded. VP Basil dissented. He wanted to hear from Dean Hubbell.

Dean Hubbell supports the notion that additional discussion is worthwhile. They have taken it up with VP Murphy. She’s consulting with other staff. As we spoke, they also did. Convocation might include expensive events. Look at all important things do to support seniors as graduate.

There was a vote to table the resolution. It needs a majority to pass. By a vote of 12–1−0. The decision to table the allocation was passed.

VI. New Business

R. 7- SA-Class Councils Collaboration�Rammy Salem

R Salem spoke with them on Tuesday. They all believe that more collaboration is necessary. They have a weekly class councils presidents meeting. It would be nice if the president of the assembly attend 1 meeting a month. And additionally, they’ll compile a report of grievances on monthly basis.

VP Basil in support of an active role in all byline funded organizations. He wonder why has to be president. Why not assign a liaison. And B if you want to attend, but why put in charter for all future pres. Salem — figure to show respect for them, since it’s a president’s meeting. Maybe show don’t care.

Community member R.Desai asked if you could talk about the current relationship and explain why intervention is needed. R Salem said that right now the only collaboration is approving their constitution and funding. Aside from that, they haven’t been involved since spring of ‘07 when one SA member was both on SA and president of his class council.

VP Basil thinks it was an excellent question because SA and Class Councils don’t have anything more in common. It makes sense to be involved with UA. Legislate cooperatively. Why should they be involved with Class Council? R Salem said that they are 2 bodies to represent students. Elected officers that class can vote on. We represent from the legislative end, they do from school spirit.

R. 8- Student Innovation Council�Rammy Salem, Matt Koren, Phoebe Yu

Currently, there is a bylaw in the second whereas clause, put in first whereas clause because it’s been inactive for past three years. This name hasn’t been mentioned in SA meeting. The Student Activities forum. They are creating student innovation committee which assesses needs of students and providing another avenue for students to express concerns. He had the idea of having SA consultants and go to major student groups and proactively go and say hey what issues do you have on campus. To make an effort. Combined the two ideas. Proposing to change SA Forum which sounds like a meeting, to the Student Innovation Council. J Min asked if this is mainly a naming thing. Because a lot of this the purpose is similar with different wording. Is this cause SA forum sounds like a meeting? R Salem said that it is not JUST a name thing, but one of the things addressed. Added first and second and fifth changed. And the sixth since a charter doesn’t exist. J Min asked who’s heading this. R Salem responded that the president is charged with nominating a chair and affirmed by majority of SA.

Z Glasser wanted to know why people can’t contact them. R Salem said that ideally he would like to a attend meeting of every organization on campus. They should be more proactive and not reactive. P Yu said that they would like a place for ideals generated. SA with legislative manners. Some may come and speak as community members but no follow up. There is a clear process to come with ideas to be evaluated. R Salem said that he likes to think there is follow-up but can’t possibly accomplish by selves.

Matt Danser said that on this line and idea shooting around, SA needs to be more proactive. Should look into not only approaching groups, but also holding an advertising meeting with students. Forums they can attend, ask representatives questions. The focus specifically on representatives or at large seats need to do a better job at confronting students. He would ask, do you think or how would you propose reaching out to community and do you think that would have merit. R Salem said this is a way to reach out this is one way. In charter, states one things they can do is hold forums and is something he plans to do.

VP Andrews asked how are you going to try to make sure it doesn’t take away work from other committees. R Salem said that this is another vehicle for students to present ideas.

Community member R. Desai asked the difference between this group and what the SAO does and on top of that, if there isn’t a big difference, is there anything different from having a difference of group and separate meeting? Would it suffice to have monthly meeting or is it necessary? R Salem said that the SAO is mainly for funding, room res, not necessarily students’ grievances. Mentioned biannual or monthly meeting. Great idea, but trying to coordinate schedules, reaching out to as many student groups wouldn’t be feasible.

VP Basil asked what is an example of an issue effecting regular student groups in matters beyond SA would be. R Salem said that they are striking beyond the SA.

N Raps thinks it is a great thing to take on so early in the semester.

R. 9- UA Undergraduate Representative Application Process�Nikki Junewicz and Rammy Salem

There was a motion to move to business of the day. It was seconded with no dissent.

R Salem removed himself as sponsor N Junewicz said that it looks like there’s going to be a vacant seat in UA. There is nothing in charter now. Basically, his idea for how to handle is to fill vacant UA seat, instead of internal election, think should give it to person with next highest votes for spring At Large election because technically at large SA reps have same function as undergrads on UA. It is the most democratic thing.

N Kumar was surprised by it, but knows they talked about it during executive board. The best way to solicit to apply across campus. Apply via paper/online. Internally elect rep which would allow people interested in UA to fill UA. If people want to run for UA would run for UA. Doesn’t make much sense. If criteria was whoever got most number of votes, why not open to people who ran for trustee. Willing to work on alternative, but would like to motion to table. Dissent.

VP Basil thinks it makes perfect sense. Trustee is nominated by the whole committee. Members vote, so graduates can vote for the undergrad trustee. This is an identical constituency. The runner up is with us right now, so interested. There are about 15 runners up at large. Think it’s most equitable. Internally is not most fair. Essentially, full open election is already done. Call to question. Second. Dissent.

N Junewicz said that her rationale was that she was surprised with UA election, since a lot of students who lost at large told her they were going to run. She was told they didn’t feel like going through the pains of another election. Think it’s very fair. Comparing internal vs. whole school, the say of 700 students who voted for Brokman carries more weight than 20 people in room.

J Min agrees but has reservations. It is difficult because it feels like they are creating a double standard. For those cases are we going to develop methods to fill those seats. Does that create problem/conflict? N Junewicz said that usually what happens is they are appointed as a liaison. Nothing wrong with it, but the reason she was placed was because she knew the president at the time. She doesn’t think it’s fair. Thinks given situation at large and UA is similar, is why it makes so much sense.

J Rau asked if the person has the right to decline. N Junewicz said that they do. A Latella asked if it goes down line afterwards. N Junewicz said that it does.

VP Andrews thinks it’s efficient. He calls to question. It was seconded with no dissent.

By a vote of 10–3−1, the resolution passes.

R. 10- Town-Gown Community Award�Rammy Salem

Idea came because he was reading a blog while he was running for election. This integrated Cornell with Ithaca community on 3rd most unrealistic campaign promise. It would be nice to recognize and highlight achievements and encourage Ithaca residents to like us. They would give a plaque. Possible a small check. They thought it would be nice or most relevant for them to choose.

VP Basil would like to propose amendment to both Be It Therefore Resolved clauses “that an award be given to Cornell student or student organization” “local resident or organization” Having just done budget, have problem committing funds to plaques, especially because during byline funding, SA only org requesting fewer funds, tightening up budget, but don’t have money to throw around. That’s his only concern. Move to business of the day. Seconded. Moved.

N Junewicz asked if have he had looked into how much money it would cost. R Salem said that by shopping online for plaques, depending on quality, it wouldn’t cost over 100 total. As a Point Of Information there might be issues with us buying plaque for comm. Member with SA money.

R Salem said that Allen Miller said it was great, on board, stuff he envisioned with Collegetown students.

Z Glasser asked how he will you decide. R Salem said probably an application. Have them apply by deadline and then look through applications and decide.

M DeLucia asked how do you plan on getting word out to Ithaca residents and organizations. R Salem said this isn’t his idea, it’s Gary Stewart’s, VP for Relations at Cornell. He has Collegetown Neighborhood Council meeting. Has elected officials from Ithaca and Tompkins County there. Leave to him to get word out.

A Nicoletti thinks it is a good idea. A lot of people are in trouble financially and it’s good to have groups know SA is behind them when they go out and try to help people in need.

There is a call to Question. R Salem said that it is not just Cornell. It is the entire country. By a vote of 13–0−2, it passed.

VII. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:07 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brittany Rosen

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715