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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.


Cornell University Student Assembly
January 28, 2010
Willard Straight Hall, Memorial Room

I. Call to Order

R. Salem called the meeting to order at 4:45 pm.

II. Roll Call

Voting Members Present: I. Akinpelu, V. Andrews, C. Basil, M. Danzer, M. DeLucia, R. Desai, A. Gitlin, Z. Glasser, N. Junewicz, N. Kumar, A. Latella, J. Min, A. Nicoletti, N. Raps, J. Rau, A. Ravaret, R. Salem, U. Smith, K. Welch, H. Yang

Non-Voting Members Present: A. Cowen, R. Rodewald, A. Flye

Voting Members Unexcused Absent: G. Phillips, O. Williams

III. Approval of Minutes

There was a call for acclimation. It was second with no dissent. Minutes are approved.

IV. Open Microphone

Asa Craig, student trustee, said that trustee weekend was this weekend. They could get on the agenda next week and if there are any questions, let him know.

V. Announcements/Reports

Presidential Update — Rammy Salem

R. Salem wanted to recognize the student deaths. There was a moment of silence for the deaths of Mark von Bucher, Clayton DeFisher, Adam Frey, and Oliver Schaufelberger. He also said that the SA will be adjourning early to escort President Skorton to attend the Haiti vigil. He also introduced the new Greek liaison, Rustin from the IFC

Convocation Day Speaker Announcement- Heather Levy ‘10

Many have read, and on Monday it was announced that Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the house was the Convocation Speaker. She hoped the student body and faculty and staff could recognize the achievement and be thankful to bring a high profile speaker to campus. Thank you to the SA for support and increased funding. Hopefully high profile speakers will continue to come.

R. Salem added that this is the fastest time a speaker has been confirmed and thanked Heather for great job.

University Library Board- Emily Cusick ‘12

They are having another meeting Monday. There will be new strategic planning by librarians. They met with people to restructure the library system. They are also re-evaluating department libraries. First this year is the engineering library. There will be a task force and they are going to go through the rest of them in the years to come. They are extending the Cornell/Columbia partnership perhaps with Harvard. Also, there is a resolution for library board to report regularly to the faculty senate and make policy changes. More updates next month.

M. Danzer asked if they were looking to make cuts or consolidate. If so, how much? Emily Cusick said that the Provost wants 20% cuts in libraries. They have committed to not cutting materials. It’s going to go toward staff and smaller libraries. They don’t know if they’re going to close any, definitely consolidate.

N. Kumar said that in three weeks, university librarian will come to speak.

E. Cusick said that there is a new safety renovation so the libraries won’t go up in flames.

V. Andrews said that there are questions students had on plugs. Is it possible to get power strips put into library? E. Cusick said that she will ask.

U. Smith said that one solution in AAP was restructure library and that was the biggest topic brought up. Would that halt progress in there? E. Cusick said that libraries within schools have a bit more autonomy. Directors of those are allowed to move things around. She was not sure about the AAP library but in general, they won’t change without letting students know.

R. Desai said that he was aware of a clause preventing students from working night shifts at Uris between 2 and 10. Do you know why? E. Cusick said that she will get back to him.

R. Salem said that Representative Williams stepped down permanently, and his position will be replaced.

Ivy Council Meeting- Alex Latella

Every year the meeting is at a different school. This year from February 26–28 they will be going to Yale. Applications are due next Friday. They will be sending out a link. It is a great opportunity, lasts all weekend, and is all paid for. If you’d like to go let him know.

Committee Meetings- Alex Latella

He wanted to touch base with Committee Chairs. Let him know when you plan on meeting and he would like to meet with to talk about goals and such.

Haiti Earthquake Relief Efforts at Cornell- Matt Danzer, Adam Gitlin, Natalie Raps

N. Raps said that they all started meeting with Rammy before the school year started. They decided to be more of a PR resource for everyone else. They had different ideas, gathered blurbs from other organizations, passed out through class council and facebook. They were working to create a tracking system sort of like united way so they can all donate to one organization so all money was tracked and make it sort of a competition. Dartmouth and other Ivies are here. A. Gitlin had the idea of getting the bookstore to ask for donations. They are trying to get that and work with dining and A. Latella through the Cornell Card and ask cashiers to help. Any suggestions go to her, M. Danzer, and A. Gitlin. They want to incorporate as many ideas as possible.

Appendices A and B Updates — Chris Basil

They did byline funding. This semester, they are going to review how things went and look forward to what things to change in process in A, and then B changes which haven’t been updated since 2006. He’ll write a first draft, then the Appropriations Committee and whoever’s interested will do a final draft. He’s shooting for before spring break. Stay tuned for stuff about appendix b and a

N. Kumar said that it is important to do an after the fact review of appendix a byline funding process. He wants to incorporate underclassmen to get a leadership role.

V. Andrews said that to continue announcements about the blog, the other day they had 120 hits. For everyone who doesn’t know, there is an SA blog at Please continue posting, people are checking. Please post.

VI. New Business

Resolution 43- Encouraging Professors to Comply with Cornell Store Booklist Submission Deadlines- Rammy Salem + VP Basil

One fix would be for professors to submit book lists early. A small percentage of professors meet the deadline. If the SA encourages it, they can have a booklist on time, they can have better chance of securing used books. C. Basil said that professors are cognizant of fact that we spend lots of money, used books. This is something that we want to work toward better communication with faculty. They want to start a dialogue to encourage when they are going to turn in book lists, to consider partial booklists. The sooner they know what books they need, they can go to used books vendors to get better deals for students.

M. Danzer asked if next week he were to offer an amendment, to have it sent to faculty senate. And if they can get professors to send earlier, could the store post booklists earlier online? C. Basil said they’re under the UA in terms of structure. Talk to Adam or Idris. They’ve got a stake in things the other way. Unless you’re buying the international edition, the Cornell store often has the best price. The reason why books ARE more expensive is because they CAN’T get used copies.

VP Andrews was wondering how they would get sense of body to more concrete action based. Can there be a committee? C. Basil said that any penalties or punishment is from faculty senate. We’re commenting that faculty aren’t aware of how big an impact on course load having booklist would have. They do not want sanctions for professors, but could encourage faculty senate to look at pleas to turn in. R. Salem said that the last whereas clause addresses professors’ tendency to restructure. Even the Cornell Store understands that. It is not the same standards as people with no changes.

H. Yang asked why a longer duration to shop increases wholesale books. R. Salem said that universities all over the country compete for the same pools of books. Contents of the warehouse are in flux. A majority of sellback items are from Cornell students but those that aren’t, they make orders elsewhere. N. Kumar said that they would table to vote on next week.

VII. President David J. Skorton and Dean of Students Kent L. Hubbell

VP Andrews asked about the increase in tuition. What was the process they went through and reasoning. President Skorton said that there is no question that students and families are bearing large portion of burden. 1/3 of total revenue comes from tuition. As he’s mentioned, his commitment is to do two things. 1 is to substantially increase student financial aid and 2 is to work toward attenuating tuition. This increase is more than inflation and still a burden. Because financial aid is so dramatic and because increases were substantial but less than before, growing portions of students in need have lower cost than in 2000–2001 year. The very top quintile of families that don’t fit criterion for need are paying full and cost has gone up substantially. Bottom 3 quintiles, actual cost is less now than 10 years ago. 4th is more expensive, too. They have gotten part of the job done, because financial aid to greatest extent is for curves. Many students take on indebtedness. They acknowledge and thank students. He wishes the cost was less but think we’ve made changes in direction and continuing to push hard.

M. Danzer said that last time, they asked about the changes to dean of students office. Have there been any decisions made? Dean Hubbell said that conversations are still ongoing. President Skorton took responsibility for slow motion because they want decisions to have staying power and last longer.

VP Basil said that in regards to the university stepping back from their financial aid policy. Will this hurt diversity at Cornell? President Skorton said that when looking carefully at diversity on campus and financial aid support and competitiveness including but not limited to athletes, in process of increasing financial aid in general, decided to focus on underrepresented minorities for priorities around campus to push even harder. They discussed with Ivy colleagues in summer. They decided largely to be open about it and put on website, proud of it. Question asked by league leadership whether student athlete portion was consonant with spirit and letter of ivy guidelines. He believes they were. Ivy league disagreed with us. In December, they said the decision had been for student athletes that we were outside boundaries of ivy rules. They’re re-thinking that aspect. It was not the decision with other uses of financial aid. He is very proud that the class of 2013 is the most diverse ethnically class in history. Cornell is sixth most economically diverse of caliber.

R. Desai said that one of five points was going to give priorities to programs that benefit students as a whole rather than groups. Have you found instances of programs that had to be made cuts and in general any comments on it? President Skorton said there are no cuts he’s aware of with student groups. Because he doesn’t want to do that and recognize areas to do better and that’s why going slower deliberate. Trying very hard and remains to be seen if cost cutting is sustainable. Things did last year with 5% budget cuts and reducing faculty and no raises are not sustainable forever. Taking longer. Making choices on what to change and what to keep changed. Ares where specific groups aren’t being served as well has to be viewed through following 2 lenses. Have to agree what highest priorities are. Student experience is top. Accessibility of university, quality of experience, student life, Greek life. Lower priority are admin functions with redundancies. They tried to kick off with two fewer vps. Fewer people in his office. In between, all sorts of conversations. Will have vigorous debates on what falls between. Haven’t made those cuts. Not going to retreat on promises. Going to be open about it. Please come to town hall meetings, write to him. Something can’t live with, wish were different but can live with. Made mistake of scheduling town hall opposite SA. But won’t do again. Please look at and come. Give feedback. Latest thing is draft strategic plan outline. Something like 25 pages long. Put out now so people could get piece of it now.

R Salem thanked President Skorton for his transparency.

VIII. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm to attend the Haiti Vigil.

Respectfully submitted,

Brittany Rosen

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715