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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 43

Whereas, the Student Assembly Charter (Article 1, Section 3) states that, “The SA will have the authority and the responsibility to examine any matters which involve the interests or concern the welfare of the student community and to make proposals concerning those issues to the appropriate officers or decision-making bodies of the University;”

Whereas, each college has one or more Representatives that have a responsibility to effectively communicate the needs and desires of their constituencies to the Student Assembly and the administration of their respective colleges;

Whereas, information must be gathered and reviewed in order for the Representatives to understand what the most relevant issues are;

Whereas, the Student Assembly Charter does not address the general roles and requirements of the College Representatives;

Whereas, the current rules only strongly encourage College Representatives to meet with their Deans twice a year;

Be it therefore resolved, that the following section will be added to the Student Assembly Charter:

4.3 College Representatives

The eleven voting members representing the various colleges (though not part of the Executive Committee) shall be charged with gathering information about their particular college and representing their respective constituencies, and voting according to their needs and desires.

Bylaw 4.3.a. Responsibilities 1. All voting representatives shall host at least one forum or outreach activity with individuals from their respective constituencies and report all outcomes to the SA at the next regularly-scheduled meeting following such an activity.^\\ 2. College representatives may communicate regularly with their constituents through e-mail mailing lists and listservs, which may be maintained by their respective college dean’s office, the Department of Campus Life, the Office of the Dean of Students, or the Office of the Assemblies.^^

  • a. Any Student Assembly member, including the Vice President for Public Relations, must submit a mass message (e-mail, advertisement, press release, etc.) to the Executive Board for approval. The Executive Board may approve a message by a majority vote and the vote may be conducted by e-mail. The e-mail records must be saved and reported at the next SA meeting by the Vice President for Public Relations.^^^

3. College representatives must meet with their respective Deans a minimum of once per semester and report any discussions and outcomes back to the SA at the next regularly-scheduled meeting.
4. College representative must devise an SA Climate Survey and submit it to the students and faculty of their respective colleges.

  • a. The survey is to be submitted to the Executive Board for approval as per the same method listed in Rule 2.a. before it is dispersed.
  • b. The survey is to be conducted once each semester and the information is to be shared with and taken into consideration by the Student Assembly, the Dean, and any other party that has an impact on the administrative workings of the college before any administrative changes are made.

Bylaw 4.2.c.3 (Responsibilities of VPIOPs)


11. Meet with all college representatives at least once a semester and review the results of the surveys and meetings with the college Deans [See Bylaw 4.3.a, Rule 4].

Respectfully submitted,

Ulysses Smith ‘13
Architecture, Art, & Planning Representative

^From the Standing Rules of 2009–2010: Section 3, Rule 3
^^From the Standing Rules of 2009–2010: Section 3, Rule 4
^^^From the Standing Rules of 2009–2010: Section 3, Rule 18

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715