This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.
Resolution 58
Whereas, many resolutions are written in support of some statement, amendment, action, etc. upon which the Student Assembly has no direct impact.
Whereas, the Assembly has been ridiculed for being a useless organization that rarely imparts any real changes to undergraduate student life.
Whereas, these resolutions accomplish nothing in terms of a tangible change to issues that affect the Undergraduate Student community.
Whereas, these resolutions take time, which results in some important resolutions having less time for debate, and some not being heard at all.
Be it therefore resolved, the Student Assembly’s support for statements, amendments, etc. is assumed, and a resolution stating such is unnecessary.
Be it further resolved, any resolution as stated above is tabled indefinitely.
Be it finally resolved, a resolution in disagreement with statements, amendments, actions, etc. is a viable way for the Undergraduate Student community to express its feelings.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael De Lucia
Engineering Representative
Jonathan Rau
Arts and Sciences Representative
Zachary Glasser
Engineering Representative
Alex Latella
VP Internal Operations
Contact SA
109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
ph. (607) 255—3715