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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 54 Removing the Charter Test for SA Members

Whereas, the charter currently reads: 4.1 President/Others

The SA will, as soon as possible after the spring election, hold an organizational and planning meeting. The SA shall elect any officers it deems important to the normal operations of the SA at some time prior to June 1st. Each nominee for the respective offices shall be subject to two-thirds approval of the SA voting members. After such internal election, the newly elected officers will undertake the immediate responsibilities of their positions after completing a test of this charter. The SA will also elect two of its voting members to the UA. Self-nomination will be in order in each of these elections.

Whereas, the charter currently reads:
Bylaw 4.1.a.1
The Parliamentarian will create and administer this charter test based upon the sample charter test. Internally-elected officers must receive a score of 75 percent to pass the test. If multiple tests must be administered, at least the questions must be arranged differently at each administration.

Resolved, that the charter be amended by striking out:

“after completing a test of this charter” in Section 4.1

and by striking out Bylaw 4.1.a.1

Respectfully submitted,
Alex Cowen

Nikhil Kumar
Executive Vice President

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715