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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Amendment to Resolution 11

Whereas, R. 11currently allocates up to two additional votes of community members presentat a Student Assembly meeting on motions that express the opinion of the Assembly.

Whereas, according to Bylaw 1.3.a.3 recommendations are actions of the SA expressing the recommendation of the SA in policy areas over which the SA through its Charter may or may not have policy-making power.

Be it therefore resolved, that Bylaw 3.1.d.2 be amended to read:

The community clause may only be exercised on final votes of sense-of-body and recommendatory resolutions pursuant to Bylaw 1.3.a.4, which excludes (1) funding and budgetary decisions, (2) amendments to the SA Charter and Standing Rules, (3) the ability to make motions, (4) creation/dissolution of committees (5) selection of officers, committee members, and liaisons from the popularly elected SA (i.e. allocation of the Student Activity Fee, SAFC appeals, approval of Parliamentarian, Liaison to the Provost, etc.).

Respectfully submitted,

Rammy Salem ‘10
At-Large Representative
Student Assembly, President

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715