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Revision of University Inclement Weather Policy 8.2

R. 65 Revision of University Inclement Weather Policy 8.2

Whereas, University policy 8.2 states, “Cornell University may change its operating status during and surrounding periods of inclement weather. At such times, the university has a prescribed method for evaluation and communication of these changes to university staff, faculty, and students. Academic and administrative units are expected to abide by any decision made by central administration regarding operating status.” Whereas, the full version of this policy outlines the methods and procedures that the university shall use to inform faculty and staff of the operating status of the university in the event of inclement weather.

Whereas, this policy fails to address the procedures the faculty of the Student Disabilities Services should take to notify disabled students in the event of inclement weather.

Whereas, there are transportation services and other accommodations that the Student Disabilities Services provides to students.

Be it therefore resolved, that the Residential Student Congress & the Student Assembly recommend that the Inclement Weather policy be revised to include what procedures the SDS should follow in the event of inclement weather.

Be it further resolved, that this revised policy also include what procedures Grounds & Facilities staff should follow to ensure that priority paths of travel for disabled students are cleared in accordance to the inclement weather plans filed with SDS. This should include who will be responsible for clearing paths if the university decides to close.

Be it finally resolved, that the revised policy also include what transportation accommodations the SDS should continue to offer in the event that the university decides to maintain an operational status that permits classes to be held in spite of weather conditions.

Respectfully submitted,

Ulysses Smith ‘13
Architecture, Art, & Planning Representative

Andrew Flye ‘11
Presdent, Residential Student Congress

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715