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SA Special Projects and Appropriations Committee Charge

R. 74 SA Special Projects and Appropriations Committee Charge

Whereas, the Vice President for Finance is responsible in Bylaw 4.2.c.4 for serving as the Student Assembly’s treasurer and formulating the SA’s budget;

Whereas, precedent has established that any amount of the SA’s by-line allocation not allocated to a specific committee or budget line item reverts to the SA’s Special Projects Account;

Whereas, there are no current guidelines for distribution of the SA’s Special Projects Account;

Be it therefore resolved that Bylaw 7.6.a.1 be amended as follows to improve general clarity and establish specific guidelines for allocation of Special Projects funds:

Bylaw 7.6.a.1 Appropriations Committee - The Appropriations Committee of the SA is the financial branch of the SA. It reviews all requests for SA funding as well as the policies and guidelines regarding the Student Activity Fee and those organizations, which receive funding from it. Each fall, the Committee shall approve the SA’s budget. The Committee shall vote by majority to approve any Special Projects requests. Requests must then be confirmed by a majority vote of the SA. The Committee shall also be charged with oversight and funding decisions for all By-Line Funded organizations and the Appendix A and Appendix B guidelines which govern their conduct. The Committee shall consist of 8 voting members of the SA, to be selected by the Assembly at large during their organizational meetings; the VP Finance, who shall serve as Chair; and 7 undergraduates at-large to be selected by the Staffing Committee. The Director of the Office of the Assemblies or their designee shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member. No SAFC Commissioners shall serve as voting members of the Committee (with the exception of the VP Finance), however, the SAFC Liaison shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member as well when the Committee hears SAFC appeals. Quorum shall be defines as a simple majority of all voting members. A designee of the chair shall take minutes at all meetings.

Respectfully Submitted,

Christopher Basil
Vice President for Finance

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715