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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 79

Whereas the Student Assembly Finance Commission (the commission) has proposed several changes to the Funding Guidelines that govern its operations (the guidelines); and,

Whereas these changes address a wide variety of issues and aspects of the commission’s operations;

Be it therefore resolved that the Student Assembly (the assembly) approves and adopts the proposed changes and accompanying rationales.

Change #1: Grammatical errors within the guidelines
Whereas there exist grammatical errors in the guidelines,

Be it further resolved that the definitions OA and SAO of Section 1.2, titled “Terms” be amended as follows:

OA The Office of the Assemblies is an administrative unit of the university, which supports the operations of the SA and the SAFC, and assures compliance with applicable rules and policies.

SAO The Student Activities Office is an administrative unit of the university which grants registrations to student organizations, allowing them certain privileges on campus, including the right to apply for funds from the SAFC. The office also provides extensive information and advisory resources to officers of registered student organizations.

Be it further resolved that the first sentence of Section 2.3.2, titled “Revocation of Funds” be amended as follows:

Either the Office of the Assemblies or the Chair(s) of the commission may temporarily suspend an organization’s funds at any time.

Be it further resolved that the first sentence of Section 3.3.4, titled “Limitations for New Applicants” be amended as follows:

If none of the organizations that are parties to the application are returning applicants the commission will award a maximum of:

  • $1,000 if all organizations are new applicants,
  • $1,500 if only one organization is a a second semester applicant,

Change #2: Formatting changes within the guidelines

Whereas there exist areas in which formatting changes can provide clearer interpretation of in the guidelines,

Be it therefore resolved Section 11.1, titled “Price Quotes” be amended as follows:

A price quote is a good faith estimate of the cost of goods or services for which the applicant is requesting funds. To be valid for the commission the price quote must:

  • be dated within the last two calendar years;
  • be in English or be accompanied by a written translation to English;
  • be provided in hardcopy, including computer printout from an email or website, fax, or mailing from the vendor.

The price quote must include:

  • unit costs or prices for each requested expense for which the quote issued as documentation,
  • cost of shipping and handling, if additional funding is requested for those costs, and
  • the name and means of contacting vendor by mail, phone, or internet;

Be it further resolved Section 11.2, titled “Proof of Travel Distance” be amended as follows:

Where mileage is provided to support a request for travel funding, the applicant organization must provide proof of round trip distance. The documentation provided to support a request for travel funding must include:

  • proof of round trip distance, satisfied by a printout directly from a mileage and directions website such as, but not limited to Google Maps,
  • the travel distance calculated to and from Ithaca, New York.

Respectfully Submitted,

Charlie Feng ‘11
Co-chair, Student Assembly Finance Commission

Dan Gusz ‘11
Co-chair, Student Assembly Finance Commission

Justin Min ‘11
SA Liaison to the SAFC

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715