This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.
Resolution 2. Conflict-Free Campus
Whereas, Cornell University has declared its commitment to human rights and social justice in its governance documents and policies and has taken affirmative steps throughout its history to promote these values; and
Whereas, the United States Senate and the House of Representatives have determined that armed groups bear responsibility for massive atrocities in the eastern Congo; and
Whereas, the International Rescue Committee has found more than 5.4 million civilians have been killed and countless more remain at risk as a consequence of attacks conducted by armed groups in eastern Congo; and
Whereas, the armed groups generate an estimated $144 million each year by trading in conflict minerals; and
Whereas, Cornell University allocates over $50 million per year to Cornell Information Technologies and has significant investments in companies which use conflict minerals in their supply chains;
Be it therefore resolved that the Student Assembly requests that the Cornell University administration call on electronic companies to take the necessary steps to remove conflict minerals from their supply chain.
Be it further resolved that Cornell University will factor whether electronic products contain conflict minerals in future purchasing decisions and, when available, will favor verifiably conflict-free products.
Be it further resolved that Cornell University will communicate its decision to its investment managers and advisors urging them to invest in businesses that are conflict free.
Be it further resolved that Cornell Information Technologies provide information regarding their annual budget.
Be it further resolved that Cornell University will convey to the U.S. higher education community the University’s actions with respect to investment in Congo conflict free companies, and urge them to do the same.
Respectfully Submitted,
Chris “Kit” Dobyns ‘12
Cornell Public Service Scholar
George Hornedo ‘13
Student Assembly Public Service Committee
Nathaniel Houghton ‘11
Founder and CEO of Congo Leadership Initiative
Ray Mensah ‘11
At-Large Representative
Student Assembly Executive Vice President
Contact SA
109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
ph. (607) 255—3715