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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 7

Whereas, the Student Assembly has reviewed multiple funding appeals regarding late submissions which jeopardized the funding of an organization for an entire semester.

Whereas, all students pay into the Student Activity Fee and thus the process to access Fee money be made easier.

Whereas, it may be beneficial to allow Independent Student Organizations to apply for funding multiple times in a semester or allow an independent student organizations to correct mistakes made on their funding request after the submission deadline.

Be it therefore resolved, an ad-hoc committee be established to examine and review the current Student Assembly Finance Commission (SAFC) funding process for Independent Student Organizations.

Be it therefore resolved, the ad-hoc committee consult with existing Independent Student Organizations in its review of the SAFC funding process.

Be it therefore resolved, the ad-hoc committee present a recommendation on how the SAFC funding process can be improved by the second-to-last SA meeting of the Fall 2010 academic semester.

Be if finally resolved, the committee be chaired by the President of the Student Assembly and the voting members consist of the Co-chairs of the SAFC, the SA liaison to the SAFC, and VP Finance of the Student Assembly as well as one additional SA Representative, and one additional SAFC Commissioner. The ad-hoc committee will also consist of ex-officio members Terry Ector and Ari Epstein.

Respectfully Submitted,

Vincent Andrews
President of the Student Assembly

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715