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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 22

Whereas, advisors can be crucial to students’ well being and academic growth on campus.

Whereas, each Cornell college or school implements its own unique faculty advisory system and many students — in various schools — have expressed concerns with the systems.

Whereas, the Faculty Senate has created a committee to study the current systems.

Whereas, it is the Student Assembly’s “responsibility to examine any matters which involve the interests or concern the welfare of the student community.”

Be it therefore resolved, that the S.A. create an ad-hoc committee to review and investigate concerns with the current faculty-advising system for each college. The committee’s membership shall consist of one S.A. representative from each college. Additional membership can be granted at the discretion of the S.A. Staffing committee. The committee shall be chaired by one of the Engineering representatives.

Be it resolved, at least one member of the committee will also be appointed to the Faculty Senate’s committee to promote collaboration between the two committees.

Be it resolved, that the ad-hoc committee and the whole S.A. will solicit feedback from the student body regarding their advisory system experiences in the form of a Speak Up event and or poll. The S.A. believes that student input is invaluable in the review of the systems.

Be it finally resolved, that the ad-hoc committee will present its findings in the form of a report. It shall also make suggestions for possible improvements to the system.

Respectfully submitted,

Scott Pendleton ‘11
Engineering Representative

Adam Yozwiak ‘11
Engineering Representative

Adam Gitlin ‘13
ILR Representative
Vice President of Internal Operations

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715