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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

R 45 Spending Student Money Sustainably

Whereas, in the fall of 2009 both the SA and GPSA voted unanimously to endorse the Cornell Climate Action Plan;

Whereas, the Climate Action Plan is currently aiming to reduce the institutions overall greenhouse emission level to zero;

Whereas, given the Student Assembly’s commitment to sustainability, student organizations funded by the SA should be expected to pursue sustainable practices;

Whereas, the SA and GPSA are each tasked with allocating and distributing the student activity fee to over 600 student organizations;

Whereas, Cornell student organizations as whole have a significant impact on the environmental as part of their operations;

Whereas, the student activity fee should be used in a sustainable manner that is consistent with the goals of the Cornell Climate Action Plan, outlined above;

Be it therefore resolved, that the Student Activities Office amend their online contract for an organization’s official registration to be amended to include the following requirements:

  • That the organization fill out a statement that details the possible environmental impact that may result from the organization’s activities and measures the organization will take to abate the negative impacts.
  • That re-registering organizations fill out an environmental impact statement that includes an additional request for the organization to assess their environmental impact over the previous year.
  • That the organization be asked to provide a name and e-mail address for their Sustainability Chairman; if none is provided, the President shall automatically be listed as such. The purpose of the Sustainability Chairman shall be to receive communications from the Student Assembly Environmental Committee and to ensure the organization’s practices are sustainable.
  • That the organization be notified in the Student Activities Offices’ registration contract that the Student Assembly Environmental Committee will be reviewing the environmental impact statements for both completeness and compliance.

Be it further resolved, that the Student Activities Office forward the Environmental Impact Statements of every undergraduate student organization to the Student Assembly Environmental Committee.

Be it further resolved, that the Student Activities Office include multiple support documents on their website to help students complete the environmental impact statement. The documents shall include a sample statement of a large organization with various activities as well as a document that bullets the different things student organizations could do to become more sustainable. These documents will be easily accessible on the SAO website and included in the instructions for filling out the environmental impact statement through an html link. Model support documents will be forwarded to the SAO from the S.A.E.C.

Be it further resolved, that the Student Activities Office allow for a way in which the Student Assembly Environmental Committee could e-mail all listed Sustainability Chairmen with environmental-related messages approved by the Dean of Students Office.

Be it further resolved, that the Student Assembly’s Environmental Committee charge be amended as follows, with additional language indicated in bold, to account for the responsibilities detailed above:

Bylaw 7.7.a.1
Environmental Committee - The committee shall take the initiative in and have primary responsibility for debating and formulating recommendations on programs to improve Cornell’s environmental performance. The committee’s charge is to serve as a conduit for community input regarding policies and services related to comprehensive, economical and efficient environmental programs on the Cornell campus, including programs to reduce both pollution and waste in the residence and dining halls. The committee shall further be charged with promoting awareness of waste production and management, and establishing goals for increasing campus reduction of waste, reuse, and recycling. The committee shall further be charged with reviewing the environmental impact statements submitted in the registration forms of all undergraduate student organizations. In reviewing these statements, the committee has the responsibility to e-mail the organization’s President and Sustainability Chairman if their organization’s environmental impact statement is incomplete or requires clarification. The committee shall also review challenges submitted to the Student Assembly by individual members of the Cornell community alleging that an undergraduate student organization is either not complying with its impact statement or engages in specific practices that are not sustainable. Challenges could be sent via e-mail to any member of the committee or any member of the Student Assembly Executive Board and need only include the name of the organization being challenged and a statement describing the alleged violation. Once the challenge is forwarded to the Student Assembly Environmental Committee, the committee can request to hold a hearing with the officers of the student organization in question. If the student organization refuses to comply with either a committee request for a hearing or information, then the committee shall vote on whether the non-compliance is severe or pervasive. If a two-thirds majority of the committee find the non-compliance to be severe or pervasive, the committee shall submit a formal request in the form of a resolution to the Student Assembly to either financially penalize the group in their next funding cycle or cut off the official registration of the non-compliant student organization�

Be it further resolved, that upon passage this resolution be forwarded to the Executive Board of the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GPSA) so that they may be aware of the Student Assembly’s support of the similar resolution adding this provision to the GPSA’s appropriations procedure,

Be it further resolved, that the Student Activities Office will include a notification of this new requirement in the announcement of the registration process to all student organizations.

Respectfully submitted,

Andrew Brokman ‘11
Chairman, Student Assembly Environmental Committee
At-Large Representative

Geoffrey Block ‘14
Member, Student Assembly Environmental Committee
Freshman Representative

Student Assembly Environmental Committee (8–0−1)

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715