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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.


Cornell University Student Assembly
February 10, 2011
4:45pm — 6:30pm
Robert Purcell Community Center, Multipurpose Room

I. Call to Order

V. Andrews called the meeting to order at 4:50pm

II. Roll Call

Representatives Present: V. Andrews, A. Bajaj, G. Block, A. Brokman, M. Gulrajani, J. Kay, T. Lenardo, A.Nicoletti, A. Pruce, N. Raps, M. Scheff, U. Smith

Representatives Excused Absent: D. Kuhr, A. Yozwiak

Representatives Half Excused: C. Jenkins

Representatives Half Unexcused: M. Danzer, C. Feng, M. Finn, R. Mensah

Representatives Unexcused: S. Agard, R. Desai, A. Gitlin, J. Rau

III. Approval of Minutes

January 27th, 2011- Approved

February 3r, 2011- Approved

IV. Open Microphone — Ray Mensah

R. Mensah asked if any community members would like to come to the microphone. No one came forward, and the open microphone session ended.

V. Announcements/Reports

1. SAORC Report — Mohit Gulrajani

M. Gulrajani went over the report. M. Gulrajani stated that he committee has reviewed 78 organizations and the committee target is 210. He then opened the floor to questions.

R. Mensah asked if as he reviewed applications for new organizations did the committee make a recommendation that an organization not take hold on campus? In response, M. Gulrajani said that yes there was an engineering organization that was similar to another one. However, it targeted a different audience and would hold events instead of just discussion so it was distinct enough to pass.

A. Nicoletti then added and made the clarification of what can be bylined funded. M. Gulranjani further explained expense analysis and fraud analysis and gave examples.

2. Residential and Community Life Committee Report — Ulysses Smith

U. Smith explained that APP funding was defunct and they have been revitalized and continued to discuss the report. U. Smith went on to state that he met with ResLife to discuss Resolution 43 and also discussed having a bunch of different housing sessions where students can lead the sessions, conversation of doing virtual tours of the residence halls, and a possible merger of Residential Student Congress and ResLife which would eliminate some funding but more input is needed therefore the discussion was tables. U. Smith then went on to talk about the discussion that was had about soap. Apparently, soap is provided for all public bathrooms however, soap is not provided for the individual dorms because of preferences and allergies. But, it then came to attention that there is soap in the dorm bathrooms on West Campus, which, ResLife was not aware of and said they, will have to look into this. Floor was opened to questions and none were asked.

3. Appropriations Committee Report — Adam Nicoletti

A. Nicoletti discussed the budget and went over the financial position of SA and the different columns of the budget sheet, which was passed out. A. Nicoletti then opened the floor to questions.

M. Gulrajani asked why are election expenditures so high? In response, A. Nicoletti said that the majority goes to the operating system and the rest to advertising and meetings.

R. Mensah asked who pays for the trustee system? Ari came forth and answered that it comes from the office.

A. Bajaj asked what will happen to the budget surplus? A. Nicoletti replied that it will sit there until another assembly has a use for it or when a VP of finance wants to use it for a special project and that he wants to ensure financial security as an organization. J. Kay asked if there is a way to reserve funds and A. Nicoletti stated that yes it is something that can be discussed.

A. Nicoletti also wanted to explain why there was a negative balance. He said they have put 250 dollars to balance out the negative.

4. Elections Update — Charlie Feng

C. Feng shared that he has been making a good push to make sure that people are informed about elections and running.

5. Environmental Committee Update — Andrew Brokman

A. Brokman went over report and stated that he has been working with the Cornell store and Bear Necessities in de-incentivizing the use of plastic bags and providing a recyclable bag instead. In addition, he is also working on a special project to have recycle bins and trash bins placed in high traffic areas on campus with the SA logo on it. Lastly, he is working on passing out a survey about paper usage to students and based off that is hoping to get professors to use electronic means solely instead of wasting paper by printing the syllabus.

VI. Business of the Day

1. SAORC Special Projects Request

Request is over $250 from the SAORC to have $600 for pizza during their meetings due to their lengthy nature.

N. Raps speaks up and says why should we take $600 out of our budget to pay for pizza especially with the tuition increase this is not what SA stands for, to support food.

M. Danzer disagrees and believes that this is a good way to keep community members at the meetings.

A. Bajaj asked how much was the expenditure last semester and M. Gulrajani said he did not get reimbursed.

M. Gulrajani also stated that the attendance has been good because of the food and that the meeting runs pretty long and that the SA has used $185 on pizza for one meeting, which is only 1/3 of what he is requesting.

R. Mensah pointed out that at the long meeting at SAFC that they get food and that this request is not anything out of the norm.

J. Kay says that the logic of the committee was if we are having dinner here how can it be right to say that they should not have food, she thinks that it should be either be everyone or no one for long meetings.

V. Andrews clarified that a lot of committees use money for vote.

Placard vote was conducted, 13–0−2 and the request passes.

VI. New Business

1. Resolution 54 — Amendment to the 2010 — 2011 Standing Rules

The Resolution will not be covered today because the sponsor R. Mensah had to leave for Washington.

2. Resolution 55 — Making Student Housing Equitable

Presented by G. Block, J. Kay, and T. Lenardo. They spoke about the lack of dorm community in the Townhouses, Low Rises, and High Rises and want to increase the budget for the hall councils so that more activities can be held.

U. Smith suggested of sitting with RHD and coming up with other program options and alternatives instead of increasing money since other residential halls have been able to host programs that were free.

G. Block stated that the idea is not only programming but also being able to make residential hall improvements such as soap and paper towel.

Director Burk of Residential Life was present and stated that he is willing to sit down and look at what would be a reasonable amount of money.

V. Andrews advised to speak to the Community Center Council.

SA clerk Brittney asked why hasn’t Balch been included in this and J. Kay stated that there isn’t a disparity in accommodations; Burk added that the other dorms mentioned are architecturally different.

VII. Unfinished Business

1. Resolution 51 — Addressing Women’s Issues Through Internal Changes to the Student Assembly

The resolution speaks to the importance of creating safe spaces for women and the treatment of women. Motion to adjourn because it is a big issue and should wait until there are more people since there are only 15 people in the room and need 16 to pass.

VIII. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Melissa Arguinzoni

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715