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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 59

Whereas “I. Attendance Policy” of the SAFC Charter currently reads:

Good attendance is essential to the efficient running of the SAFC. The following attendance policy will be in effect and refers to attendance during one semester:

If a commissioner misses three (3) meetings unexcused or five (5) meetings excused, they will be notified that at the next meeting there will be a vote taken by commissioners present on whether or not to remove said commissioner from the SAFC. Before a vote is taken, the commissioner in question will have the opportunity to justify the absences to the entire Commission. If their reasoning is not upheld by a majority of the Commission, that commissioner’s seat on the SAFC will be automatically vacated.

An excused absence: formal notice of a valid excuse to the Vice Chair of Internal Operations or an E-board member.

Valid excuses are: an illness, a prelim the day following of an event, a prelim the same day as the event, religious observances, or conflict with a job or job interviews, and any other excuse deemed appropriate at the discretion of the E-board. Any commissioner may appeal to the SA, which can overrule the decision of the SAFC by majority vote. The SA is to cautiously exercise this authority, using it only in cases where rules have been violated or where there are extenuating circumstances worthy of consideration.

Whereas the proposed attendance policy was previously and unanimously passed as Resolution 6 on September 6, 2007, but never made it to the SAFC Charter due to clerical errors.

Whereas the minutes of the September 6, 2007 meeting clearly indicate Resolution 6’s approval as can be found on:

Whereas the proposed attendance policy has been in use by the SAFC since its passing on September 6, 2007.

Be it therefore resolved, that “I. Attendance Policy” of the SAFC Charter be amended to read:

Good attendance is essential to the efficient running of the SAFC. The following attendance policy will be in effect and refers to attendance during one semester:

Each SAFC meeting or event has a point value for unexcused and excused absences, some of which may be decided at the discretion of the executive board. Missing normal meetings, executive board meetings, office hours, and help sessions are 1 point if excused and 2 points if unexcused. Budget hearings and interviews are 2 points if excused and 3 points if unexcused. Please note that commissioners are required to attend only a certain number of help sessions and budget hearings decided at the discretion of the executive board. Executive board members are held to a higher standard and must attend all SAFC meetings and events. An executive board member’s standing will be voted on in conjunction with his/her standing on the commission, should he/she accumulate points. An excused absence requires the formal notice of a valid excuse to the Vice Chair of Internal Operations. Valid excuses are an illness, a prelim the day following an event, a prelim the same day as the event, religious observances, or conflict with a job or job interviews, and any other excuse deemed appropriate at the discretion of the executive board. Any commissioner may appeal to the SA, which can overrule the decision of the SAFC by a majority vote. The SA is to cautiously exercise this authority, using it only in cases where rules have been violated or where there are extenuating circumstances worthy of consideration.

5 Points (A Warning): If a commissioner reaches five points they will receive a warning that their attendance is not in accordance with the expectations of the SAFC.

7 and 9 Points (A Vote): If a commissioner reaches seven points or subsequently 9 points they will be notified that at the next meeting there will be a vote taken by commissioners present on whether or not to remove said commissioner from the SAFC. Before a vote is taken, the commissioner will have the opportunity to justify the absences to the entire Commission. If the majority of the Commission votes in favor of his/her removal, that commissioner’s seat on the SAFC will be automatically vacated. If the majority of the Commission votes in favor of his/her staying on the SAFC, he/she will stay on the commission but will retain his/her point level. It will be that individual’s responsibility to find ways to make up the points.

11 Points (Removal): If a commissioner reaches eleven points they will be automatically removed from the commission without a vote.

Due to the nature and close proximity of SAFC events, commissioners tend to rack up points consecutively, hurting their attendance records. The commissioner will be warned of points before every scheduled Monday meeting at which attendance standings will be discussed. The amounts of points accrued by that Monday meeting will dictate the procedures to be followed in regards to that commissioner’s attendance standing.

Be it therefore resolved that any members who have more than 9 points currently will have their point total reset to nine.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin Song ‘12
Co-chair, Student Assembly Finance Commission

Lauren Rosenblum ‘11
Co-chair, Student Assembly Finance Commission

Kristen Jenkins ‘13
Vice Chair of Internal Operations, Student Assembly Finance Commission

Adam Gitlin ‘13
Vice President of Internal Operations, Student Assembly

Charlie Feng ‘11
SA Liaison to the SAFC, Student Assembly

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715