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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 60

Whereas, in the fall of 2009 both the SA and GPSA voted unanimously to endorse the Cornell Climate Action Plan;

Whereas, the Climate Action Plan is currently aiming to reduce the institutions overall greenhouse emission level to zero;

Whereas, Cornell has already become recognized on the national level for its efforts in this area, having recently won the Nature Climate Leadership Award for Institutional Excellence;

Whereas, the use of syllabi and other handouts by Cornell faculty members is significant;

Whereas, the Faculty should examine the cost and benefits when printing syllabi and assignments;

Whereas, a survey of Cornell students could influence the Faculty’s decision between printing and electronically posting syllabi and other assignments;

Be it therefore resolved; that the Student Assembly send the entire Cornell student body the following message with a link to fill out the survey reproduced below.

Dear Cornell Student,

You have a chance to win a $100 visa gift card by clicking the link below and filling out a one-minute survey on your usage of paper syllabi here at Cornell.

The Student Assembly Environmental Committee is trying to gauge your view on the issue, so that it may communicate its findings to all Cornell faculty members. Please take a moment to fill out the survey and leave us some comments.


Sincerely, The Student Assembly Environmental Committee

Survey (to be produced in an online website):
1. What is your current student status?
(Undergraduate, Graduate, Professional)
2. Do you receive course information and syllabus handouts at the beginning of your courses?
(Usually, Sometimes, Rarely)
3. Do you find these handouts useful?
(Always, Sometimes, Rarely)
4. How often do you refer to these handouts?
(Often, Sometimes, Rarely)
5. If these handouts were only made available electronically, do you think that this would be detrimental or problematic for the course?
(Definitely, Possibly, Unlikely)
6. Would you prefer to receive a paper copy of these handouts, or to only have them available electronically?
(Paper, No Preference, Electronic)
7. If you have any comments on your experiences receiving paper syllabi and handouts, feel free to leave them here
(Open field)

Be it further resolved, that this survey be published on the Student Assembly website as a report, to include:

  • The tabulated responses to the survey.
  • A brief written synopsis of the results.
  • Recommendations by the Student Assembly Environmental Committee for any future actions that the Cornell community should take.

Be it further resolved, that the final report be sent in an email to every Faculty member for their personal consideration.

Respectfully submitted,

Andrew Brokman ‘11
At-Large Representative, Student Assembly

Assaf Packin ‘11
Member, S.A. Environmental Committee

Kyle Ward ‘11
Member, S.A. Environmental Committee

Student Assembly Environmental Committee (10–0−0)

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715