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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Special Rules of Order

Proxy Voting

Proxy votes shall be cast exclusively as follows:

  • 1. Only excused voting members shall be permitted to cast proxy votes.
  • 2. Proxies will be restricted to aye or nay votes on Old Business resolutions (including later amendments) on the agenda of the meeting in question.
  • 3. Proxies shall be in writing, signed, explicitly worded, and tendered solely to the Chair, who shall read all proxies aloud immediately prior to the vote in question.
  • 4. Any SA voting member in attendance may question the validity of a proxy. In such cases, the validity of the proxy shall be determined by SA vote without amendment or debate.
  • 5. Proxies shall not count as part of a quorum.

Speaking Privileges

Speaking privileges will be open to the Cornell student body. The chair may choose to limit speaking privileges or add procedures for granting speaking privileges only if deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the SA. With the consent of any SA member, a non-student shall be granted speaking privileges.


The agenda of the SA’s regularly scheduled meetings will be compiled by the Executive Vice President. Any member of the Cornell community may request that an item be included on the agenda. The agenda to date will be made public at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the SA meeting. Items may be added to the agenda at any time.


The minutes of the SA meeting and its committee’s meetings will be available to all members of the Cornell community, except for those pertaining to portions conducted in executive session.


Committee Guidelines

  • 1. All committee meetings are open to members of the Cornell community unless the committee enters executive session.
  • 2. All policy determinations by a committee are subject to the approval of the SA, and therefore must be proposed to and accepted by the SA before the new policy is put into effect.
  • 3. Should a committee act unilaterally without prior SA support, the SA may disapprove of a the committee’s action by a two-thirds vote of those SA voting members present.
  • 4. Faculty and/or employee representatives may serve on SA committees. Non-student members of SA committees may be either voting or ex-officio members, according to the wishes of the SA as stated in the committee’s bylaw. All non-undergraduate appointments shall be submitted to the SA by their constituent Assembly.
  • 5. Specific committee guidelines and procedures will be outlined in a committee manual. This manual will be reviewed yearly by the Committee on Committee Structure (or by their successor body).
  • 6. All SA committees will be chaired by an SA member unless otherwise specified in the charge to the committee as approved by the SA. All members shall serve one-year terms and may reapply for additional terms.
  • 7. Committee membership will be specified in the bylaw pertaining to the specific committee and therefore membership apportionment may be changed as would any SA bylaw and charge.
  • 8. The bylaw pertaining to a committee and its charge will be reviewed yearly as to determine their validity and relevance. Proposed changes may be brought before the SA during committee reports as outlined in the committee manual.
  • 9. Loss of membership on a committee will occur when a student fails to meet with the committee three times within one semester. Such excessive absences will be reported to the SA and a replacement will be sought.
  • 10. Committee members may be recalled for reasons other than attendance by a two-thirds majority vote of SA voting members present.
  • 11. The undergraduate student members of the UA Committee on Committee Structure will be selected at the organizational meeting of the SA in the spring.

Committee Appointment of Voting SA Members

  • 1. Uncontested positions - Voting SA members seeking unoccupied, uncontested committee positions for which voting SA members are required shall be granted the positions upon notification to the SA voting body present and the VP Internal Operations.
  • 2. Contested Positions - SA voting members committee positions sought by more SA voting members than required shall be filled according to a ballot vote, one vote for each vacant position, by a plurality vote of SA voting members present.
  • 3. Additional Appointments - SA voting members seeking committee positions for which the minimum number has already been reached shall be required to obtain approval from the SA voting body by a majority ballot vote of those SA voting members present. In no case shall the total number of SA voting members on a committee exceed the minimum required number by 2.

Committee Procedures

  • 1. Upon consultation with the SA members of the committee, the Executive Vice President shall select a chairperson for SA Review Committees and Student Interest Committees. The VP Internal Operations will be responsible for the proper functioning of committees as outlined in the SA Committee Manual.
  • 2. All committees shall submit a list of standing rules at the beginning of their operation to the Committee on Committee Structure {or its successor body}. Standing rules will include any procedures including, but not limited to, voting rights/technique, penalties for missed meetings and modes of operation that are different from those outlined in the Committee Manual.
  • 3. All committees shall present an oral progress report biannually at a designated SA meeting for this purpose. The VP Internal Operations shall make final determination of the actual reporting schedule.
  • 4. Each committee shall submit a written report to the SA at least one week before the oral report

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715