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20110331 R 71 Final
Whereas, the Student Assembly oversees the Student Assembly Finance Commission and has a duty to ensure its smooth operation;
Whereas, the Special Projects & Appeals account has prematurely and unexpectedly run out of funds;
Whereas, the SA and the SAFC have a duty to work together to fund student organizations;
Whereas, the SA has a substantial reserve account that has no immediate disbursement plans associated with it;
Whereas, the Office of the Assemblies and the SAFC have fully guaranteed the repayment of a loan that the SA would make as per the stipulations stated in this resolution, regardless of any future circumstances;
Be it therefore resolved, that the Student Assembly will make a loan to the Student Assembly Finance Commission amounting to $10,803.50 from the Student Assembly administrative budget surplus for the purpose of funding special projects in the Spring 2011 allocation semester;
Be it further resolved, that the SAFC will pay the SA account back, in full, the amount of $10,803.50 by July 1, 2011 with its annual rollover funds;
Respectfully submitted,
Adam Nicoletti ‘12
CALS Representative
Vice President for Finance
Roneal Desai ‘13
Minority At-large Representative
Contact SA
109 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
ph. (607) 255—3715