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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 77

Whereas, at any given time there are 850 Cornell students on campus registered as having physical or mental disabilities, and

Whereas, this number fails to represent the full scope of students with disabilities on campus, as it excludes those with temporary or unreported disabilities, and

Whereas, anyone can become disabled at any time, and

Whereas, Cornell University was founded as an institution where “any person can find instruction in any study,” and

Whereas, the Student Activities Office mission is to “provide students with opportunities designed to promote�experiential learning,” and

Whereas, student events on campus that are not accessible to people with disabilities run contrary to the professed mission of Cornell University and the Student Activities Office,

Be it therefore resolved, that the subsections of Section 9.3.2 “Eligibility for Funding” of the SAFC Funding Guidelines titled “The applicant” and “The commission” include the following additions in bold:

The applicant:
� must include documentation of a reservation for a room or practice space in its request, even if it enjoys exclusive control over the room.
� must include in its application a completed Statement of Accessibility (see Documentation for more information) for any room or practice space reserved in a Cornell facility in Tompkins County, New York.

The commission:
� will not allocate for the event without documentation (p 39) of both a room reservation and a Statement of Accessibility.

Be it further resolved, that the attached document titled “Accessibility Checklist” be included as the aforementioned Statement of Accessibility.

Respectfully submitted,

Talia Shear ‘12
President, Cornell Union for Disabilities Awareness (CUDA)

Matt Danzer ‘12
Student Assembly LGBTQ At-Large Representative

Ulysses Smith ‘13
Student Assembly AAP Representative

Eda Dou ‘12
President, Asian and Asian American Forum (AAAF)

Justin Min ‘11
President, Korean Student Organization

Danny Abowd ‘11
President, CU Jazz

Sujin Lee ‘13
Vice President, Foundation for the International Medical Relief of Children (FIMRC)

Eva Drago ‘12
Board Member, Cornell Women’s Resource Center (WRC)

Rima Pancholi ‘12
Captain, Cornell “Raas” team

Kevin Chung ‘11
President, Organization of Urban & Regional Studies

Ujijji Davis ‘12
Director of Outreach, Minority Organization of Architecture, Art & Planning (MOAPP)

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715