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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Resolution 78

Whereas, many S.A. members are not aware of the complex SAFC budget review process and the SAFC’s guidelines.

Whereas, the S.A. is charged with hearing SAFC appeals on a semester basis.

Whereas, it is extremely important that S.A. members understand the SAFC’s standpoint when reviewing appeals.

Whereas, the S.A. is responsible for approving any changes to the SAFC charter, guidelines and policies and therefore must be informed about the inner workings of the SAFC.

Be it there resolved, that ARTICLE VI, Section 2 of the S.A. bylaws be amended to state:

I. Student Assembly Finance Commission (SAFC) � The SA determines the policies for the allocation and use of funds for undergraduate student organizations. The SAFC by-line funding allocation shall be raised only in proportion to the percentage increase in the inflation of the dollar or increase in the undergraduate population of Cornell University. The SA VP of Finance shall serve as a non-voting member of the executive board. The SA also hears appeals from decisions of the undergraduate SAFC. The SA SAFC liaison shall serve as a full voting member of the Commission and a member of the Executive Board of the SAFC. All new members of the Student Assembly will go through a short SAFC training session that includes a summary of the SAFC’s semester-long process, an overview of the SAFC guidelines Cheat Sheet, and a review of the Commissioner Quiz. The SA VP of Internal Operations and the SAFC Vice Chair of Internal Operations will coordinate this session.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristen Jenkins ‘13
Vice Chair of Internal Operations, Student Assembly Finance Commission

Adam Gitlin ‘13
Vice President of Internal Operations, Student Assembly

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715