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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

Draft Minutes

Cornell University Student Assembly
April 26, 2011
7:00pm — 10:00pm
Goldwin Smith 132

I. Call to Order

V. Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:11pm

II. Roll Call

Representatives Present: S. Agard, V. Andrews, A. Bajaj. A. Brokman, M. Danzer. R. Desai. M. Finn, A. Gitlin, M. Gulrajani, D. Kuhr, R. Mensah, G. Moon, A. Pruce, M. Scheff, U. Smith, A. Yozwiak

Representatives � Unexcused: C. Feng, A. Nicoletti

Representatives Absent Unexcused: G. Block, C. Jenkins, J. Kay, N. Raps, J. Rau

III. Approval of Minutes

�April 21st, 2011- Minutes are approved

IV. Open Microphone — -- Ray Mensah

No one came forward and open microphone was closed.

V. Announcements/Reports

1. SA Campus Pub Report — Vincent Andrews

V. Andrews stated that this is simply an FYI, not voting on any of the resolutions today. The late night programming was an issue that the SA started to address in the middle of last semester and came up with he report, which the assembly saw and approved. As a result, discussion began with dining. The director assigned a specific staff person. They looked at the feasibility of creating a campus pub in the ivy room. It seems there are very positive signs from the administration, the liability office, and dining, for this to happen fall semester. With the implementation of the pub, the Ivy room would have extended hours on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights.

Dining is excited by the idea. The next step is to figure out the programming aspect and who would organize and pay for it, and how would it be run. They will be charged with how the pub is managed. Came up with some ideas of what could be put on in the pub. As of now in the holding pattern for the administration. V. Andrews continued to state that they are waiting on dining to finalize their business plan, once it is finalized it has to be approved by Susan Murphy and university administrators. The only piece that may not be processed by the fall is the alcohol license.

M. Gulrajani asked if there will be implications on the student activity fee, V. Andrews said it would be on the assembly next year if they want to increase the student activity fee or not.

R. Deseai asked what would students be specifically paying, V. Andrews replied this is largely a discussion for next year’s assembly but that the space will be open for student programming, and don’t have to pay for the space, that the pub is bring brought on campus for programming and not for alcohol.

U. Smith shared that he is not that much of a fan of the pub but that it is a good thing but that there should have been more communication as far as having done something at the community centers to make it more welcoming for the freshmen (not to say that it doesn’t appeal to freshmen). V. Andrews stated that the space if open to under and over 21 year olds to bring the entire Cornell community together in one venue and that it is supposed to appeal to every age group.

M. Danzer asked what happens if a group wants to have a dry event will the alcohol component be closed? V. Andrews said probably not.

VI. Business of the Day

1. Resolution 84 — SAFC Commissioner Approval

R. Mensah is added as a sponsor and there is no dissent.

Lauren went on to explain the resolution. She also noted that there are a variety of kids in the different college. M. Danzer asked there were 12 chosen out of how many? Lauren responded that it was 12 out of 100. There is a call to question, it is seconded, no dissent. There is a call for acclamation and it is seconded and the resolution passes by acclamation.

VII. Unfinished Business

1. Resolution 73 — SAFC Funding Guideline Amendments

R. Desai stated that the resolution does not change anything in the application process just makes it clearer. The resolution says you need documentation of dates and location which was addressed. The other changes also make it easier for groups to get money.

A. Bajaj moved to add “and” in front of video games, and cross out other games. Voice call vote and the amendment passes

There is a call to question and there is no dissent and there is a voice vote. The resolution is passed.

2. Resolution 78 — S.A.-SAFC Internal Operation Improvement Initiative

Gitlin said the resolution is to improve the relationship with the SA and the student assembly. There will be a training session the SA can have their own or go to the one with the SAFC.

R. Mensah says this is a good idea, he did bring up some concerns with it last time around, big concern was over adding on a penalty if SA members did not come out to it which was what he was opposed to. When we talk about SAFC issues we have commissioners who come to the meeting who help guide us through and explain things. A. Gitlin said he doesn’t think there will be a penalty

A. Bajaj called for point of information is it new members of the SA or all members? A. Gitlin calls to correct the part that says “all new members” and cross out new.

Call to question and there is a second

Roll call vote is done 15–0−0

VIII. New Business

V. Andrews stepped down the chair for a couple of seconds. He said that he moves to adjourn at 8:10 because resolutions 80–83 are just supposed to be discussed briefly and not voted on, just for people to be aware of the resolutions. There is no dissent. V. Andrews went on to go on and briefly discuss each resolution.

IX. Adjournment

Meeting is adjourned at 8:10pm.

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715