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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

May 5, 2011 Minutes

I. Call to Order

V. Andrews called the meeting to order at 4:45pm.

II. Roll Call

Members Present: S. Agard, V. Andrews, A. Bajaj, G. Block, A. Brokman, M. Danzer, R. Desai, A. Gitlin, M. Gulrajani, R. Mensah, G. Moon, A. Nicoletti, A. Pruce, N. Raps, J. Rau, M. Scheff, U. Smith, A. Yozwiak

Members Unexcused: M. Finn, C. Jenkins, D. Kuhr

Members Half-Absent: J. Kay

III. Open Microphone — Ray Mensah

The new student elected trustee, Alex Bores, was congratulated.

IV. Announcements/Reports

1. Congratulations

M. Danzer congratulated A. Bajaj for being named Cornellian of the week.

V. Andrews congratulated N. Raps on a job well done.

A. Gitlin thanked and congratulated V. Andrews and R. Mensah for the great year and everything they taught the SA.

R. Desai thanked all the graduating seniors for their contributions.

2. Late Night Van Service

N. Raps said that late night van service will run in succession with the 2 and 93 for all of study week (May 8–13), every half hour a van or bus will be there. It goes farther into Collegetown and can stop anywhere among the route. It is an 11 passenger van to begin with. Tell students to be patient, it goes the whole week, and take it at least once. If we have the numbers, we can ask for more financial support and expand the service. Please let as many people know.

3. Collegiate Readership Program Recommendation for 2011–2012 SA

R. Mensah said that the main reason we have the Times and newspapers available to undergrads is to encourage undergrads to read more outside of academic requirements. They don’t have people taking advantage of it. They’re trying to replace one paper with the Wall Street Journal. He thinks it may be worthwhile to allocate more funds to making that possible. That was his recommendation to next year’s SA.

V. Business of the Day

1. Submission of Preliminary 2012–2014 SAF Requests to the Actions Listserv

A. Nicoletti gave an overview of the process, the numbers and presented a spreadsheet. He wanted to share with administrators and assembly members and wanted to send the allocation request over the actions list-serve. There was no dissent. It was passed by acclamation.

2. Resolution 87 — Approval of ALANA Constitutional Amendments

R. Smith is the incoming president and Ashley Garcia is an incoming ambassador chair. R smith said that they are providing changes to the constitution. The main change is the e-board which is being increased by 10 people. They’re adding more ambassadors, splitting publicity and publications, adding a web-master and 4 umbrella organization ambassadors. She explained why and went over the changes.

N. Raps said that she liked the changes. Her question is for the umbrella ambassadors. She worked a lot with them and there were a lot of contentious issues, and this is a great step. Did you consult the umbrella groups?

R. Smith said that this stemmed from the groups and Alana. It was a way for them to be a part of the e-board and make sure the relations are together.

N. Raps asked if the ambassadors are able to vote. They are. They changed the elections process. There was an issue about it being internal. They have to be democratically voted by general body to have voting power.

R. Mensah said that there are concerns that they’re not able to directly send who they want for those posts. That’s one reason why there weren’t as many people running for the posts.

A. Garcia said that the main reason why we didn’t want them to elect or select them, is because there are people who don’t agree or don’t attend meetings or identify with their organization. We want to give everyone a fair chance to run.

M. Danzer asked if Alana sees its primary responsibility to multicultural or umbrella organizations.

R. Smith said that the primary focus is the communities we represent. So the umbrella organizations would be an overarching next level and then within are the groups. But all organizations in the third level don’t find themselves with one group. They make sure to have the connection with all organizations.

A. Nicoletti asked if there are changes you’re looking to address in the future.

R. Smith said that they are trying to answer all issues. If organizations continue to feel like we’re not representing them, these are issues presented to us and ways we tried to combat.

Antonia Singleton, outgoing pres said that this is the start, laying a foundation for more change. Recent events in dealing with BSU exec board, and CAPSU etc, and discussing the positions, for the future, they would want more of a connection when selecting them. Right now they’re not doing a democratic election. We wanted to make sure they were democratically elected.

R. Desai asked if this will change your request in the fall and how to change outlook in the future.

Only CAPSU is applying for funding.

A. Singleton said that Alana could still serve a purpose. Even meeting with students on e-boards, we’re also meeting with group members. Some still feel like they’d rather come to Alana than the umbrella organization. They can still make sure to bridge the gap through the position to make sure we’re still on the same page and going toward the same goal.

M. Danzer called to question. A. Pruce seconded. It was passed by a vote of 17–0−0.

3. Resolution 89 — Student Assembly End of the Year Report, 2010–2011

Postponed to last

VI. Unfinished Business

1. Resolution 79 — Calling for a Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities to be Promulgated

A. Brokman said that his opinion piece in the Sun laid out why it was necessary. He knows it’s not in the normal part of SA, but still important. Removed EA and Faculty Senate. From Joshua Adams, director of Cornell’s policy office, we should clarify to say “both of which must be in accordance with university policy.”

A. Pruce said that this was a great change. He called to question.

M. Danzer seconded. There was a call for acclimation. There was no dissent. The first amendment passed.

A. Pruce said that it was better, he call to question. It was seconded. There was a call for acclimation with no dissent. The amendments passed.

M. Gulrajani asked how do you recommend it’s distributed.

A. Brokman left it vague on purpose.

G. Block asked why the UA was still in.

A. Brokman said that it meant to be the senate. He gave his logic as to why he initially included the EA.

V. Andrews asked what is your timeline in following through.

A. Brokman said it would be good if he had a cosponsor, it would have to wait possibly to next year�late is better than never.

R. Desai asked if he had thoughts of limiting specifically to student organizations approved vs. students in general.

A. Brokman said that the reason he didn’t go the route to remove college acb because you should be free to look. It is a fundamental liberty to be included.

A. Pruce called to question. U. Smith seconded. By a vote of 14–1−2, the resolution passes.

2. Resolution 80 — Pub Report

V. Andrews said that this is more official. VP Murphy just got the report about the pub in the Ivy Room. From her perspective, financially, a pub in the Ivy Room is a viable option. They are still waiting on university liable, and idea behind it. The report simply asks for you all to approve this as a belief of the assembly. Mike Motley here who is executive director of student union board. He’ll be within the management of the pub.

M. Danzer asked if it was amendable. He amended the appearance of first HAVEN on page seven to be replaced by MGLC. It was friendly. There was no dissent and it was passed. M. Danzer thinks it’s great and to just be aware to consider ALLOWING the option to have a dry event there.

A. Bajaj asked if you have you thought of a name. They have not. He asaked how it will be decided.

V. Andrews said it will likely be left up to the committee. He liked the Ivy Tavern.

M. Danzer called to question. It was seconded. By a vote of 16–0−1, the resolution passes.

3. Resolution 85 — Student Assembly Organizational Review Committee Revisions

Gulrajani. Would like for the amendment ot be taken down. Point two on second page. Explained it again. And why.

Danzer Call to question. second. No dissent. Call for acclamation for the amendment. No dissent, passes.

Gulrajani, resolution itself. Went through the reason behind it and why the resolution exists in this way.

Bajaj — how often do you envision the committee meeting.

Gulrajani — sao, every year they clear the student database. So all old orgs have to re-register. After the whole period is done, 1x a week, maybe 45 minutes. In January, a lot choose to re-register and start second semester. Of the 600, anywhere between 350 and 450 register in august. Envision maybe 20

Vince — how’s relationship with SAO?

Great. They think the committee is effective but understand the amount of time that goes in doesn’t correlate with what they get out of it. Sent to Katherine and she had no major emails. Roxanne and joe are pro- this.

Danzer — call to question. pruce seconded. Needs 2/3 of members present in the room to pass. 15–1−0, passes.

4. Resolution 86 — Urging the Administration to Hire an Adviser to Haven: The LGBTQ Student Union

Nate Treffisin, future LGBTQ rep introduced himself.

M. Danzer said that everyone in the community will get to vote, as a sense of the body. This was presented last week. Some small changes after spoke with haven and Matt Carcella. Essentially the rundown is there’s a position in the university currently left unfilled. This position will have 40% of the description is specifically listed as “advise Haven” and a long list of what that means. 35% of description is essentially advising haven, program building, collaboration, about 75% of a full-time employee’s job. The position was filled once since 2004, (2006–7) but the individual left. Haven hasn’t been able to hold a president for more than 1 semester for the past two years. Definitely improvements especially with 626 Thurston which is essentially a single location that multicultural organizations will be put into and coordinate better. But all those things doesn’t make up for the fact that haven doesn’t have an advisor.

Nate said to look to the future, they can only hope that next year’s SA can help make them more involved and stronger.

A. Yozwiak asked how can you justify having a position when the dominant economic community is to reduce number of positions. M. Danzer said that for the new location, they are hiring 3 new positions; one was internal. Doesn’t just think it’s annoying or harmful to students. It’s reckless. Ignoring is a real problem.

V. Andrews asked what would a sense of body request affect on the administrators.

Dean Hubbell said that his big challenge has been to avoid layoffs. That’s the way they’ve avoided layoffs, his goal is to avoid losing any jobs so people can keep them. He’ll have to continue to do that. So he’s sympathetic to the needs. Nothing he’d like better than to have the resources to recruit and hire someone. That may happen in the next few years, but for the time being he’s obliged to save jobs as best he can. With regards to the positions that will be filled, those are reallocations of resources. Not new money. Moved from one area to these new forms. They’re still in a tight financial place. He would like nothing better than to do it, but are going to have to wait till we can afford it.

M. Danzer would like to note that the position hasn’t been filled since before the financial crisis. Not quite clear why it was difficult to fill in the past.

There was a call to question. It was seconded. The community votes in favor. By a vote of 17–0−1, it passes.

VII. New Business

1. Resolution 88 — Requesting the University to Disaffiliate From the Fair Labor Association (FLA)

Kasey Sweeney, class of 2013, and student trustee elect Bores introduced themselves.

A. Bores explained the resolution. Dismal record. Among many schools leading this initiative. We pay them financially as well as lending them our name. Urging for a sense of body to push the administration.

R. Mensah said that his first question is, has any other university taken this action yet.

K. Sweeney said that historically, they’ve been opposed. Penn disaffiliated before reaffiliating. Wiconsin — Madison is not affiliated.

R. Mensah commended them for this, and doesn’t feel comfortable asking for this to happen without further information. Understand there’s a campaign currently underway, but doesn’t want that to way too heavily on the votes. At the end of the day, he thinks we should make the most possible and would like to have more information.

R. Desai said that there was a public forum yesterday. It has been on the agenda for more than 24 hours. Has been eligible to be on the agenda for more than 24 hours. If you have further questions, urge to ask during the meeting. Look at the situation last time in which it eventually did cut ties. Sa making motion does hold considerably weight. Would do so during the summer.

M. Danzer doesn’t think it was harped on enough in the presentation. The FLA, Cornell has now pressured two organizations, Russell athletics and Nike and SA involved in at least one. FLA have come to the opposite conclusion as Cornell and this assembly. If we’re paying them any money that we already have another org doing for us and are consistently of a different organization, see no reason why we’re paying them money. No reason to duplicate resources and have them disagree.

A. Bores wanted to stress something, workers right consortium does the same thing. It’s the report that THIS assembly and the administrators sent forth that they disagree with. They STILL don’t agree. They’re ideologically opposed to this.

A. Bajaj asked why the is university affiliated with both.

K. Sweeney said that when WRC was created because of the conflict of interest with the FLA. The two groups said they could work together in 2002. They don’t actually work together, find very different conclusions.

A. Bores said that they only pay 1000 dollars but it’s more about their name. Other universities?

K. Sweeney said that amongst them there were Rutgers, Penn State, University of Florida, and Santa Clara.

A. Bajaj said that given that WRC already duplicates the FLA, it seems ridiculous. Because the FLA isn’t doing its job correctly, doing a shoddy job. They should disaffiliate. Even though others haven’t, Cornell has been a vanguard. We’re progressive. It shouldn’t dissuade us.

A. Nicoletti asked why do we still have the FLA?

A. Bores said that they were affiliated with the FLA first. When students ran a campaign, the administration took the middle path to join WRC.

K. Sweeney said that they had a university administrator on the board of FLA which is why we didn’t disaffiliate then.

A. Bores said that while the FLA was ineffective, they don’t see it as actively harmful the way we do. That’s the argument we’ve gotten.

K. Sweeney said that in admitting that the org is flawed, they “admire its good intentions.”

A. Gitlin said that they have done incredible work in the past. He motioned to make this resolution business of the day. It was seconded. There was no dissent. He yielded his time to R. Mensah.

R. Mensah said that on top of what he said, haven’t heard what the administration has to say. Haven’t been given their point of view. Said you’re not comfortable speaking for them. This assembly has taken pains to weigh the opinions of administrators and other people with a stake. He yielded back to A. Gitlin.

A. Gitlin said that they have an entire summer to work with. Last meeting, not the same assembly and if they want to bring it back to the table, he would recommend that. Have supported in the past. He called to question. M. Danzer seconded. There was no dissent. There were 2 yes votes from the community. By a vote of 16–1−2, the resolution passes.

2. Resolution 89

V. Andrews said that it has been an honor serving with you guys. Incredible experience. Defining moment for himself and who he is as a person and time here at Cornell. He hopes the report is a testament of your hard work and everything you and we have accomplished together as an assembly. For formalities sake, he needs to present it. He still needs to add today’s resolution. If you have the chance to review, let him know. By end of senior week it needs to be send to President Skorton.

M. Danzer thanked them for putting it together and really residing over the SA. Beat the record of number of resolutions last year. Great stuff. Hope President Skorton has a chance to respond. Great work. Been a pleasure.

Dean Hubbell wanted to echo Matt’s remarks. Have done amazing things and know it’s not done. The leadership-elect is terrific. Has been an exemplary year for SA because of you guys.

R. Desai thanked President Andrews for not only putting the packet together, but reminding us to measure our outtake and reminding us of the impact we take. He hopes the SA and members who’ll be here next year continue the legacy. Support this and everything it stands for.

There was a call to question. It was seconded. There was a call for a voice vote. No one opposed. There were no abstentions. From a voice vote, the resolution passed. The meeting was adjourned at 6:29pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brittany Rosen

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715