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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

April 19, 2012 Letter To President Skorton re Appendix B

Dear President Skorton and Vice President Murphy,

I am pleased to send you the SA Appendix B guidelines for the academic years of 2012–2014. Since the Student Assembly concluded the byline funding process at the end of Fall 2011 but still needed to update the Appendix B guidelines for 2012—2014 the changes to appendix B were passed April 5th 2012 by a vote of 21–0.

Attached please find that one copy of the Appendix B guidelines are with changes highlighted (track changes) and one is without. Please let me know if you need anything else or further clarification. However, some highlights include:

  • The addition of the Umbrella Programming Fund in which $2.25 per student per year of the ALANA allocation shall be contributed towards the Umbrella Programming Fund (UPF) for intracultural programmatic use and will be governed by the UPF charter as set forth in ALANA’s constitution. (The passage of the UPF’s charter was finalized on March 8th by a vote of 21–0 and can be found here: ). This past week the UPF was allocated among BSU, LAL, NASAC, and CAPSU with Dr. Renee Alexander, members of the SA and ALANA present. I will be sending over the final allocations for the groups based on the committee’s recommendations later today.
  • Class Council now has autonomy in allocating its byline funding distribution over the four classes, due to identified differences in need by class year.
  • All Community Center Funds shall be be directed towards North Campus based programming (as per Community Center Council’s request).
  • The SA will not impose a cap on HAVEN’s Filthy Gorgeous Dance due to HAVEN’s responsible spending of the Student Activity Fee and its own request for financial autonomy.
  • Slope Media (a new byline funded group) shall provide annual durable goods reports to the Appropriations Committee.
  • Undergraduates shall not be charged for Slope Day by Slope Day Programming Board without express permission from the SA.

Again, please do let me know if you have any questions or would like anything clarified further. Have a great day.


Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715