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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

S.A. Resolution # 10: Creation of the Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion

Sponsored by: Ulysses Smith ‘13, Jonathan Wheeler

Whereas, in February 2012, the University released its new diversity goals;

Whereas, these goals included to “strengthen efforts to attract, educate, develop and graduate an excellent and diverse body of students,” and to “promote intercultural dialogue and community-building across difference;”

Whereas, the University created the Office of Academic Diversity Initiatives in spring 2011;

Whereas, there is currently no position on the SA that is responsible for overseeing the diversity efforts of the Assembly and maintaining direct contact with this new office;

Whereas, in spring 2012 the SA passed Resolution 46: Student Assembly Input on the University Diversity Council and ‘Toward New Destinations, the University-Wide Diversity Plan’;

Whereas, this resolution included recommendations for the various administrative units to engage student representation and input, have a student representative on the UDC, and work more closely with the Diversity Community Meeting attendees;

Whereas, the SA is the voice of the undergraduate student body and should reflect the same commitment to diversity by having an executive board member to oversee these initiatives and ensure the SA’s own cultural competence;

Be it therefore resolved, that Article II, Section 1 of the Student Assembly bylaws is amended to read as follows:

The officers of the SA shall be a President, an Executive Vice President, a Vice President of Internal Operations, a Vice President for Finance, a Vice President for Public Relations, a Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion, a Vice President of Outreach, a Director of Elections, a Parliamentarian and an Executive Archivist. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by this Charter and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the SA. Be it further resolved, that Article II, Section 2 of the SA bylaws is amended to read as follows:

The SA will, as soon as possible after the spring election, hold an organizational and planning meeting. At this meeting, the voting members will elect from among themselves the offices of Vice President of Internal Operations, Vice President for Finance, a Vice President for Public Relations, a Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion, and a Vice President of Outreach. The voting members will elect for either the undergraduate body at large or from among themselves the office of Director of Elections. Additionally, at this meeting the members will affirm the appointments of Parliamentarian and Executive Archivist. Self-nomination will be in order in each of the elected offices. The offices of Parliamentarian and Executive Archivist will be appointed by the SA President. Each nominee for the respective offices shall be subject to majority approval of the SA voting members. After such internal election, the newly elected officers will undertake the immediate responsibilities of their positions. Elections for officers shall be by secret ballots. SA voting members may have one vote for each position to be filled, but may not vote for any one individual twice on any ballot.

Be it further resolved, that the following section be added to Article III of the Student Assembly bylaws:

Section 6: Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion The responsibilities of the Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion are as follows:

  • 1. Serve as a direct link between the SA and the Office of Academic Diversity Initiatives, as well as the Center for Intercultural Dialogue;
  • 2. Undergo a diversity training session provided by Human Resources and/or OADI;
  • 3. Prepare training sessions for the SA on addressing issues of diversity along with the Vice President of Outreach;
  • 4. Meet at least monthly with the Associate Vice Provost (OADI) and the Associate Dean of Students/Director of Intercultural Programs;
  • 5. Meet on an as-needed basis with other administrators and staff concerning diversity initiatives;
  • 6. Attend the Diversity Community meetings on a semesterly basis;
  • 7. Maintain communication with the individual diversity councils of the colleges;
  • 8. Ensure that legislative acts of the SA are culturally inclusive;
  • 9. Provide updates on the state of diversity at Cornell and work to align the SA with University initiatives;
  • 10. Chair the Student Assembly Diversity Affairs Coalition;
  • 11. Work with University-sponsored programs such as the Pre-freshmen Summer Program and Diversity Hosting Month to introduce new students to the governance system of Cornell.

Be it further resolved, that all section numbers in Article III be adjusted accordingly;

Be it finally resolved, that this new position will be elected during an internal session following the passage of this resolution for the 2012–2013 academic year.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ulysses Smith ‘13
Architecture, Art, & Planning Representative

Jonathan A. Wheeler
Secretary for Diversity Affairs, Miami University

(Reviewed by: Executive Committee, 9/10/2012)

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715