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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

S.A. Resolution # 11: Requiring Committee Applications for All Potential Assembly Members

Sponsored by: Sarah Balik ‘15, Jon Weinberg ‘13, Ulysses Smith ‘13

Whereas, the Student Assembly relies on its committees to carry out much of its business and initiatives;

Whereas, candidates who lose Student Assembly elections often feel disconnected from student governance and thus miss opportunities to become campus leaders;

Whereas, the Student Assembly, SA candidates and Cornell community all stand to benefit tremendously from incentivizing continued involvement of SA candidates who fail to win elections;

Whereas, increasing committee membership of unelected candidates would strengthen and reinforce the importance and visibility of committees to the Cornell community at large, making the SA a more representative body;

Be it therefore resolved, that the DOE must contact all unelected members to be put on a committee immediately after each elections cycle;

Be it further resolved, that the committee applications will be reviewed by the respective committee chairs and the VP of Internal Operations; Be it finally resolved, that the committee application will be a permanent part of the checklist for the elections packet, although actually joining or participating in the committee will be optional. Respectfully Submitted,

Sarah Balik ‘15
Agriculture & Life Sciences Representative

Jon Weinberg ‘13
Director of Elections

Ulysses Smith ‘13
Architecture, Art, & Planning Representative

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715