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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

S.A. Resolution # 13: Renaming of the Financial Aid Review Committee

Sponsored by: Dan Kuhr ‘13

Whereas, the Student Assembly, in conjunction with the other assemblies, formed the Joint Assemblies Financial Aid Review Committee to examine financial policies and review their current status.

Whereas, financial aid policies primarily affect undergraduate students and the Student Assembly is the undergraduate representative body.

Whereas, the other assemblies have not been involved in the committee in recent institutional memory and do not have representatives on the committee.

Whereas, the Office of the Assemblies now recognizes the committee as a Student Assembly committee rather than a Joint Assemblies committee.

Be it therefore resolved, that the Joint Assemblies Financial Aid Review Committee will hereby be recognized as the Financial Aid Review Committee and shall operate as a Student Assembly committee.

Be it further resolved, that all documents, forms, and means of communication concerning this committee shall be edited to reflect the new title.

Be it further resolved, that Article VI Section 2H of the 2012–2013 Student Assembly Bylaws be amended as follows with the following texts added in bold and removed in strikethrough:

Joint Assemblies Financial Aid Review Committee - The committee will examine the financial aid policies of Cornell University, and review their current status. The committee shall consist of one SA member serving as chair, one additional SA member, five undergraduate students, at least four of whom receive some form of institutionalized financial aid, one graduate/professional student to be appointed by the GPSA, two faculty members, and one counselor from the Office of Financial Aid, totaling to ten voting members. and two SA members. The Associate Vice Provost for Admissions and Enrollment, the Directors of Financial Aid and Student Employment, the Associate Director of Financial Aid for Customer Service and Community Relations, and the Vice President for Student and Academic Services shall serve as ex officio non-voting members. The committee is chaired by an SA member and can be convened by either the UA or SA. The committee, however, reports regularly to both Assemblies.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dan Kuhr’13
Human Ecology Representative

Iris Hoxha ‘13

(Reviewed by: Financial Aid Review Committee 6–0−0, 9/19/2012)

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715