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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

S.A. Resolution # 9: Establishment of the Student Assembly Diversity Affairs Coalition

Sponsored by: Ulysses Smith ‘13, Jonathan Wheeler

Whereas, the University has released its goals for approaching the issue of diversity on campus through its Towards New Destinations plan;

Whereas, the University Diversity Council, some diversity councils, and other bodies charged with addressing diversity issues lack student representation;

Whereas, the Student Assembly is charged with representing the student body and facilitating communication between the administration and the student body;

Whereas, the resolution creating the Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion for the SA calls for the formation of the Student Assembly Diversity Affairs Coalition;

Be it therefore resolved, that the following section be added to Article VI, Section 2 of the SA Bylaws:

The Student Assembly Diversity Affairs Coalition shall serve as the body through which the SA, the diversity councils of the undergraduate schools and colleges, the Office of Academic Diversity Initiatives (OADI), and the Center for Intercultural Dialogue coordinate their efforts to promote awareness and understanding of the increasing importance of diversity and create an environment that brings together diverse perspectives and fosters diversity of thought. The SADAC shall be the forum where the efforts of the University Diversity Council (UDC) are introduced to the SA and the diversity councils of the colleges. The primary responsibilities of the SADAC shall be: (i) to examine and analyze the actions, decisions, and initiatives of the UDC; (ii) to discuss and devise strategies for the consistent implementation of these initiatives across the schools/colleges; (iii) to monitor the progress of the implementation strategies through goal-setting and benchmarking; (iv) to assist in coordinating the initiatives of the various diversity councils; and (v) to devise strategies for consistent diversity education and improvement. The SADAC shall provide a brief report of its progress to be presented by the Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion to the SA General Body by the final meeting in the fall semester, as well as a full report to include (but not limited to) the goals of the academic year, the strategies devised for achievement of these goals, the progress of UDC initiatives, college-specific initiatives, obstacles, and potential goals for the next academic year to be presented in the same manner at the final meeting of the spring semester.

The committee shall consist of at least two (2) representatives from each of the diversity councils of the colleges, with at least one (1) being a staff member, or an OADI staff member may represent a college; a representative from the Women’s Resource Center; the SA International Student Liaison; one of the SA Minority Liaisons; a representative from the Center for Intercultural Dialogue; a representative from the OADI; a representative from ALANA; a representative from JAMIC; a representative from the A3C; a representative from the LGBTRC; a representative from Cornell Outdoor Education; and any other persons that the coalition sees fit to invite. The group shall meet on a monthly basis and be chaired by the Vice President of Diversity & Inclusiveness of the SA.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ulysses Smith ‘13
Architecture, Art, & Planning Representative

Jonathan A. Wheeler
Secretary for Diversity Affairs, Miami University

(Reviewed by: Executive Committee, 9/10/2012)

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109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715