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October 4, 2012 Minutes

Minutes — October 4, 2012
Cornell University Student Assembly
4:45pm — 6:30pm, Willard Straight Hall Memorial Room

I. Call to Order/Roll Call

A. Gitlin called the meeting to order at 4:48pm

Members present
S. Balik, J. Batista, G. Block, E. Bonatti, G. Braciak, S. Breedon, I. Chen, M. Cho, R. Desai, A. Gitlin, R. Gitlin, D. Iwaoka, D. Kuhr, J. Lee, M. Lukasiewicz, J. Marshall, J. Mueller, D. Muir, C. Pritchett, P. Scelfo, U. Smith, M. Stefanko
Members excused
I. Harris, T. Hittinger, G, Lovely
Members unexcused
A. Chopra, N. Terrones

II. Approval of the 9/27/12 Minutes

  • Minutes approved

III. Open Microphone

  • Brendan ‘15:
    • Cornell Outing Club offers outdoor trips to students. Their lodge has been closed for the winter and they are looking for help to find and renovate a new space
  • Camilla
    • Working to create clearer policies to safeguard against cyber bullying
    • U. Smith: The Residential Life Committee is also looking into the issue. Hopefully the Codes and Judicial Committee will help as well
  • Wes
    • CU Composting: sustainability initiative to bring composting programs to North and West Campus

III. Announcements/Reports

Leadership Roundtable Announcement — U. Smith

  • In response to sexual assault cases: FB campaign and extension of BLUE service

Smoke Free Campus Announcement — G. Block

  • Progress is being made, but there is still a lot to do before any recommendation can be formalized. Looking for any members willing to help

Appropriations Committee Announcement — R. Desai

  • Invites members to attend Monday meetings

IV. Business of the Day

Special Projects Request: CU Compost — R. Desai

  • President of CU Compost: Kelsey Erickson
  • Plan to set up a composting bin in Collegetown behind Schwartz — requested funds to cover 10 months of maintenance
  • Appropriations Committee supports the idea but felt that they should only fund for the next 2 months (3 including funds from the club) while they search for a more sustainable source
  • S. Balik: Motions to amend funding to $370 — unanimous approval by Environmental Committee
    • D. Iwaoka: Can the group reapply for funding?
      • Yes, anytime
    • U. Smith: Other resources to look into: Collegetown Programming Board, residential programming, Green Revolving Fund
    • Wes: Asked for 10 months of funding so they can fully explore all other funding alternatives and to establish a stable model
    • G. Block: Should respect decision of Appropriations Committee. Club should reach out — there are many groups that would be interested and would provide funding
    • Call to question, seconded, dissent expressed
      • Vote to vote: 13–6−2
      • Discussion continues
    • J. Mueller: What are students doing for composting now? What will prevent non-Cornell students from using the bin?
    • Currently people are sneaking compost into CTB
    • People who have reached out to CU Composting will receive training on how to use the bin
    • M. Lukasiewicz: Suggests drafting a resolution to present at the next Collegetown Council meeting — good way to get landlord support
    • Call to question, seconded
      • Vote: 6–8−7
      • Motion fails
  • Motion to amend funding to $111
    • Call to question, seconded
      • Vote: 7–9−2
      • Motion fails
    • Motion to end debate, seconded, dissent expressed
      • Vote: 15–2−2
      • Debate ends
  • Appropriations funding decision stands: $74

Resolution 9: Establishment of the Student Assembly Diversity Affairs Coalition — U. Smith

  • Coalition primarily consists of students and college faculty — purpose to oversee implementation of specific initiatives from Towards New Destinations
  • R. Desai: Motion to strike phrases involving the Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion, found friendly
  • D. Kuhr: Motion to amend: ‘A3C’ to ‘Asian and Asian-American Center’, found friendly
  • U. Smith: Motion to amend: Strike ‘a representative from JAMIC’ and replace ‘a representative from the LGBTRC’ with ‘the SA LGBT At-Large representative and an Executive Board member from Haven’
  • R. Desai: Who would run the committee?
    • The Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion (R.10)
  • C. Pritchett: JAMIC is currently going through a restructure — will potentially serve the same function as this coalition
    • Resolution states that other groups will be joined in the effort as the coalition sees fit
  • S. Breedon: Questions the ability of the coalition — will their recommendations be actionable and implementable?
    • Reason why faculty is involved — they are asking for help on how to implement their initiatives
  • Call to question, seconded
    • Roll call vote: 11–2−9
S. BalikAbstain
J. BatistaAbstain
G. BlockYes
E. BonattiYes
G. BraciakYes
S. BreedonAbstain
I. ChenYes
M. ChoYes
A. ChopraAbsent
R. DesaiYes
R. GitlinAbstain
I. HarrisAbsent
T. HittingerAbsent
D. IwaokaYes
D. KuhrYes
J. LeeAbstain
G. LovelyAbsent
M. LukasiewiczAbstain
J. MarshallNo
J. MuellerYes
D. MuirAbstain
C. PritchettAbstain
P. ScelfoNo
U. SmithYes
M. StefankoYes
N. TerronesAbsent
  • Resolution fails

Resolution 10: Creation of the Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion — U. Smith

  • D. Kuhr: Motion to strike section 10 and renumber accordingly, found friendly
  • D. Iwaoka: Believes SA needs a structured commitment for diversity — this position will accomplish that
  • G. Block: Why an executive position instead of a strong committee?
    • Position will allow formal connections with Administration
  • P. Scelfo: new position will bring the Exec Board member total to 9 (27% of assembly members) — too big of a board
    • Looked at many different school structures — many are very effective with big exec bodies
  • Director (Sly) Mata (Assistant Director of Diversity and Inclusiveness in AAP): SA currently has a very weak voice — they are not at tables where decision are being made. This coalition will help accomplish that — the assembly needs to recognize its charge and take proper action
  • J. Mueller: Motion to table the resolution until next week
    • Vote: 7–12–1
    • Motion fails
  • Call to question, seconded
    • Roll call vote: 16–2−3
S. BalikYes
J. BatistaYes
G. BlockYes
E. BonattiYes
G. BraciakYes
S. BreedonAbstain
I. ChenYes
M. ChoYes
A. ChopraAbsent
R. DesaiYes
R. GitlinAbstain
I. HarrisAbsent
T. HittingerAbsent
D. IwaokaYes
D. KuhrYes
J. LeeYes
G. LovelyAbsent
M. LukasiewiczAbstain
J. MarshallNo
J. MuellerYes
D. MuirYes
C. PritchettYes
P. ScelfoNo
U. SmithYes
M. StefankoYes
N. TerronesAbsent
  • Resolution 10 passes

Resolution 11, 13, 14, and 15 tabled until the next meeting.

A. Gitlin adjourned the meeting at 6:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Chelsea Cheng

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715