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This is an archival copy of the 2006–2017 Assemblies website. This information is no longer updated.

October 11, 2012 Minutes

Minutes — October 11, 2012
Cornell University Student Assembly
4:45pm — 6:30pm, Willard Straight Hall Memorial Room

I. Call to Order/Roll Call

A. Gitlin called the meeting to order at 4:47pm

Members present
J. Batista, G. Block, E. Bonatti, S. Breedon, I. Chen, M. Cho, A. Chopra, R. Desai, A. Gitlin, R. Gitlin, I. Harris, T. Hittinger, D. Iwaoka, D. Kuhr, J. Lee, G. Lovely, M. Lukasiewicz, J. Marshall, J. Mueller, D. Muir, C. Pritchett U. Smith, M. Stefanko, N. Terrones
Members tardy
S. Balik
Members excused
P. Scelfo
Members unexcused
G. Braciak

I. Approval of the 10/4/12 Minutes

  • Minutes approved

III. Open Microphone

  • None

IV. Announcements/Reports

Appropriations Committee Announcement — R. Desai

  • Hearings on Monday 10/15: Willard Straight Hall Union Bard at 5:00, ALANA at 5:45 in Statler 453

Cornell Minds Matter Announcement — G. Block

  • Looking to provide more support for mental health

Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion Announcement - A. Gitlin

  • Internal Election to be held for the VP of Diversity and Inclusion at noon on 10/21

Cayuga’s Watchers Announcement — A. Gitlin

  • Recently held interviews — now have a full Executive board
  • Encourages members to get involved

V. Business of the Day

Resolution 9: Establishment of the Student Assembly Diversity Affairs Coalition — U. Smith

  • There seemed to be a lot of confusion last week regarding JAMIC which seemed to lead to the large number of abstentions — resubmitting resolution now that confusion is cleared up
  • Yes, JAMIC is restructuring, but there is no reason why the two committees can’t work together
  • A. Gitlin: Coalition is more classroom and academia based while JAMIC is more student-affairs based
  • G. Block: How will religious matters factor in?
    • It’s been brought up, but seems as more of a UA/Faculty affair — believe it can be addressed without a distinct representative from every religious group
  • E. Bonatti: Clarification: why is Cornell Outdoor Education included?
    • It’s an academic group and does practice leadership — was suggested that diversity leadership be brought to them as well
  • Call to question, seconded
    • Roll Call Vote: 23–0−0
S. BalikNot present
J. BatistaYes
G. BlockYes
E. BonattiYes
G. BraciakAbsent
S. BreedonYes
I. ChenYes
M. ChoYes
A. ChopraYes
R. DesaiYes
R. GitlinYes
I. HarrisYes
T. HittingerYes
D. IwaokaYes
D. KuhrYes
J. LeeYes
G. LovelyYes
M. LukasiewiczYes
J. MarshallYes
J. MuellerYes
D. MuirYes
C. PritchettYes
P. ScelfoAbsent
U. SmithYes
M. StefankoYes
N. TerronesYes
  • Resolution 9 passed

Resolution 11: Requiring Committee Applications for All Potential Assembly Members — S. Balik, J. Weinberg, U. Smith

  • Re-formalization of an old requirement
  • E. Bonatti: Suggests presenting the different committees during information sessions for the candidates
  • C. Pritchett: Will committee information be placed in the elections packet?
    • Sounds like a great idea — contacts will be put in as well
  • A. Epstein: Suggests addition to the bylaws also
  • Call to question, seconded
    • Vote: 22–0−0
    • Resolution 11 passed

VI. New Business

Resolution 13: Renaming of the Financial Aid Review Committee — D. Kuhr

  • Nothing new — formalizing what has been happening
  • Originally a joint assemblies committee — now strictly
  • Eliminated GPSA seat and reduced SA membership to 2 — usually have trouble with staffing
  • U. Smith: Was this discussed with the GPSA?
    • Yes — they have not shown interest in the past years and are completely okay with the change
  • D. Muir: Why is it now an SA committee?
    • Original idea was to have representation from everywhere, but membership was difficult to procure

Resolution 14: Late Night Safety Survey — S. Balik, R. Gitlin, A. Chopra, G. Block, N. Terrones

  • Tabled indefinitely - looking to update the survey, reach out to other groups for input, etc. Will bring back later

A. Gitlin adjourned the meeting at 5:35pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Chelsea Cheng

Contact SA

109 Day Hall

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY 14853

ph. (607) 255—3715